Life long learners

Today when I sit back and watch the 7 Habits participants sharing their experiences enthusiastically, I thank Parag Sir, Vardan Sir and Ankita ma`am for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to sharpen the saw.


While facilitating 7 Habits, there were many Aha moments and many learnings during preparation for the class or sharing within the class. All the participants have become like a family and I can see that spark in their eyes of gaining something. When I remember how they were on their first day of life class as compared what they are today, I can clearly see the difference in them. Their reflections confirm the change that they feel have undergone after attending these sessions.


During these two days, they watched two movies “Remember the titans” and Freedom Writers.” It was an amazing experience to see them reflecting on the movie in such a wholehearted and detailed manner. Their understanding of the 7 habits is clearly evident in the reflection sheet.

It gives me immense fulfillment when I hear them  talking about Paradigms and shifts, being a responsible person, quoting death being the best teacher, following the quadrants, EBA, Circle of concern and Influence, forgiveness, small act of kindness, keeping commitments, think win-win, synergizing, 4 aspects of well-being and so on. We all know that learning these habits and putting them into action is still sometimes a challenge. However, there is always a hope. We are still learning and will continue to be  life-long learners.

My Perspective…

I am bit skeptical when it comes to sharing my views on wider platform. Since long I have been thinking to do so, finally here it is what I feel for Life Classes.

It is indeed very essential that we work in an ambience where, not just our Professional Performance counts, but Personal Development is also taken care of.
And I am so Grateful to Almighty that He gave me an opportunity to work in FS.

If I talk about the second session of Life Class, it really guided me as to in which Quadrant of life I should be in, as I am very frail in dealing with Procrastination.

Also, when we talked about “Death”, I could not shed a tear.
But when Pushpak sir recited the poem based on Father’s Love, I was now a part of a Larger Group.

I always look forward to Life Classes as it helps me in Sharing my views, Paradigm Shifts and Introspect myself! A Big Thank You to all who are involved in the process.

“Mi Viaje”

My Journey

A walk through “Life classes”,

Ohh!! I remember the 7 habits.. 🙂

Learning the “Independence” through first 3,

And “Interdependence” through rest 3

Last but not the least was “Sharpen the saw”,

Which helps you to become ripe and polished from raw.

It was all about being courageous to say “No”,

Just say it! without regrets and don’t feel low.

The sessions of “Love” were indeed helpful for me,

Forgiving and asking for the same set me free.

I learnt about “Legitimate” and “Illegitimate” pain,

“Gratification” a feeling of internal happiness, to gain.

The stages of marriage and the definition of love,

I learnt to be committed and pure in my relations like a dove.

Integrity taught me “Be truthful to yourself”.

Death Exercise- “Death is a best teacher” by Stephen Covey.

Death Exercise

I have learnt from life classes- “Believe in yourself”. As rightly said- When the world says ‘give up’, hope whispers ‘try one more time’. (Anonymous)

Live in “Present”.


This was all about my journey as a learner which is still an ongoing process.

As a co-facilitator I would like to sum up with one line that is “The best way to learn is to teach”. The insights given by the enthusiastic participants of our group is helping me to learn as well as helping them to learn from the examples shared by the facilitator.

I am grateful to Iyer Sir and Vardan sir for giving me this opportunity to co-facilitate the workshop.

I am also thankful to Sheeba ma’am, Parag bhai, Ankita ma’am, Zahabiyah ma’am and Iyer sir for being my mentors throughout my journey of life classes.

Written by,

Disha Thakkar.

Theory and Practice..

We often talk about a lot of what we have learnt in our life-love classes. We often know the theoretical aspects of what these classes teach us. Most of us do know that if we set ourselves a smart goal, progress could be inevitable. Well, we sometimes just feel lazy to do it. We will cross the bridge when we are there. Why worry about it now and break our heads? Don’t we have other better things to do than setting goals for ourselves? Why waste time with this? This is where life/ love classes could be helpful. This is where we ought to learn to put theory into practice. Extending the same situation, we should realise that goals are not about wasting but saving time. How is what we learn in these classes. Reflection, introspection are key terms that the classes stand for as far as I am concerned.
One question that I have been unable to completely resolve lingers. Are we imposing Western values in a our culture which is quite different? Or do we modify these values to our context? For instance, if I were to write a letter of forgiveness to my mother-in-law, do I give it to her? Will it be accepted in a rigidly conservative family? Or would it just end in a family skirmish? Or, I just stop thinking about the consequences, feel the fear and do it anyway? How significant will the impact be on the stakeholders?

My learning journey!

I’m sure that each of us, who has been a part of the life classes @ FS; must have seen some or the other transformations. Be it in their behaviour, mindset, personal or professional life , there’s something which has happened for good. Since years I’ve always believed in the power of positive thinking. Yet there were times when I used to feel helpless and quite low. The 7 habits classes helped me in identifying my circle of concerns and that of influence. It helped me to set my personal mission statement which indeed is work in progress still. But I’m glad to atleast consciously work upon that. The love classes worked like a wonder in my personal as well as professional life. More of acceptance and less of expectations keeps me calm and at peace with myself. The principles learnt in these classes are the key to live a meaningful and a content life. The sharing during the classes makes you think, you can make some connections with your personal life too. At times it gets difficult to accept that such things can really happen with someone. The courage that is shown by the participants is commendable. To be very honest, many of the times I’ve thanked god for blessing me with a less difficult life!!! But yes we know life is difficult, but the acceptance and the learning prepares you to deal with life; with courage, hope and believe.

And now is the time to be principled and work on those weakest points in me. That’s what integrity is all about! Though few simple things seem quite difficult as if I’ve no control on that. But having known that, I don’t give up. Because I ‘m responsible for my life and I ‘ve the ability to respond to the circumstances. I look forward to see yet more positive transformations in my as well as my colleagues’ life. I’m really grateful to god for giving me this wonderful opportunity which we all know as Fountainhead School !! It’s great to be a part of FS .Today I also take this opportunity to thank all my friends, facilitators and co-facilitators for guiding me through this learning journey.

Integrity classes – A challenge worth taking

Being a part of the life classes for all these years and especially attending Integrity for the past three years has made me more patient, a better listener, non-judgmental, empathetic and above all resilient.


This platform brings out the diversity as well as the core commonalities of individuals. We are all vulnerable, have our own fears, miseries, insecurities, complaints etc; which are manifested in different ways. But when you have a closer look we are all sailing in the same boat.


It’s not about how life treats us or what life gives us. It’s about what we want to make out of our own lives. This is a dais which brings us closer to reality, learn from each other, open up our lives to each other. There is a fear of being ridiculed, being judged, but in reality we all emerge as stronger individuals. Every participant gets to see his or her own life from a variety of perspectives.


There is always this apprehension that as a group; we may end up advising or misleading someone. But with the best intentions, we can surely avoid the worst. I read this somewhere – “It is more important to be of pure intention than of perfect action.” And this is what keeps us going.


Accepting that life is difficult but taking up the challenge with open hands opens makes life beautiful and worth living.


Wanna go on a ride?

My first reaction when I heard about the life class as a participant was, “Oh No! Not any more sermons on how to lead my life! All my life this’s what I have been hearing- Sermons! Sermons by parents, friends and family on how I need to lead MY LIFE.”

But only a few hours into the life class resulted in tremendous upheaval, revolts and surrenders within me. I enjoyed all these moments to the fullest.

A train engine drives the compartments behind it. The compartment has no choice but to follow the track. I had led my life based on others thoughts and their perception about me. I decided to change that and took the front seat. Now the view is much clearer. I am in command of the car, the car being my life. Here, I follow the rules and regulation based on the principles rather than on what others feel about me. Whoa! I am in control.

Many a times, we build certain great walls (paradigms) to shield us or make us feel invincible. I realized that I need to climb and get on top to see the view. The climb is tough but once on top the view is breathtaking!

The words “DEATH EXERCISE” evoked the fear like watching horror movie all alone but I soon realized that it is more about life rather than death.

During my growing up years, I always wanted a time machine so as to control my time. Splitting 24 hrs into 4 quadrants and keeping myself in quadrant II took me to a new dimension of time as in a time machine. It taught me to be on time and every time to live in the present.

Many would say that the life’s a roller coaster ride. Well! I do not agree with that, all the ups and downs can be managed into a smooth ride if one is in total control.

Well today, as a facilitator I hope along with me, the participants would also experience this breathtaking ride.

Happy riding!

Life is difficult…

After attending the life classes, the most prominent change which I find in me is “The way I look at things now”. Initially, when I attended the life classes the only question in my mind was “How will the sharing done by others help me??”. Gradually, I started listening to others’ problems and how creatively they find the solutions for the same which made me more empathetic. Later, I realized that everyone has to face some or the other challenge in their life but the intensity and the way we respond to it varies. The principle “Bring life to the workshop and workshop to the life” worked miracles for me. I became more observant and even had many paradigm shifts. I have learnt to leave illegitimate pains which made my life easier and took a closer look at the legitimate ones with the thought “Those things that hurt, instruct”.

I am on the path to be self-disciplined by teaching myself to do the unnatural and transform my very own nature. It is extremely difficult, but life classes have taught me not to give up. I thank Zahabiah and Falguni ma’am for being my life class facilitators. Thank you Vardan sir for believing in me and developing the ‘YOU CAN’ attitude in me. I truly appreciate and value everything I have learnt from you.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to Parag bhai. You have been an excellent friend, teacher, mentor and a great inspiration for me. A true master !!

To conclude, I would say that life classes have a lot of things to teach and they are truly worth taking back to your life.

Life is difficult but NOT ALWAYS…!

Self-induced change….

“Life is complex.

Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another…The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It is a rocky path through the wilderness. ”

M. Scott Peck


And to follow this trail, tenacity is crucial. It is very significant that we do not begrudge our lives but possess the inner strength and wisdom to always polish our lives, learn everything we can where we are and develop the means by which to support our lives. We cannot make the gem inside our lives shine with easy going efforts.


Maslow said that less than 2% of human beings are truly growth-oriented; the vast majority are deficit-and-repair oriented—more interested in finding comfort.


I was no exception to it. Being part of life classes has helped me learn to respect my own life and appreciate my struggles.  I stopped escaping or detaching myself from struggles and started making conscious efforts to translate my learning into action. And, believe me, I was able to overcome and transform the causes of suffering in my life. The resultant was the self-induced change in my life. It helped me change the negative vision of my life fundamentally.


Listening to the participants facing hardships head-on, led me to imbue courage and hope in my own life. These one to one life interactions were the source of support and encouragement that helped me transform my feelings of inadequacy and weakness. I became more strong and compassionate and could expand my life state.  On the other hand, sharing my own struggles and experiences helped me unfold my life and look into the deeper aspects of my life.

We all can transform any negative circumstance into a source of growth and benefit. All we need to do is to courageously engage with the harsh realities of our lives and squarely confront our challenges.

I am truly grateful to one and all, and I want to continue developing my life, always continuing to cultivate inner hope.




7 Habits workshop ! ! !

This year I am facilitating the 7 Habits workshop and this was done with a clear intention of revisiting the basics.

It was a nice to help participants who have a clean slate of mind and see the awe on their faces when the reality strikes them – paradigms, inside out approach, character, the first 3 habits in detail.

The death experience in habit 2 shook all the participants as it had shaken me too. The movie ‘Iqbal’ was seen with a different perspective (begin with the end in mind).

I feel happy that I am part of their journey of the group who have so far achieved ‘personal victory’ and will achieve the ‘public victory’ in the forthcoming days and could gauge from the group that all look eagerly for the next session.

It is even more heartening to see most of the people take a conscious effort to take the learning back to their life and make bold mission statements.

I too am learning new perspectives of life and rewrite many of my scripts. Overall – fulfilling ! ! !

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