Story Telling

The storytelling life class was truly interactive and enriching experience. Initially, the life class I wanted to join wasn’t available, so I opted for the storytelling class instead. It turned out to be an awesome and fruitful decision.

The class helped me open up in front of everyone, allowing me to share my thoughts and experiences more freely. Our facilitator put in outstanding effort to ensure we understood the minute details that need to be considered when framing a story. His dedication and passion were evident, making the learning process both engaging and enjoyable.

I thoroughly enjoyed both days of the class and am eagerly looking forward to more interactive sessions like this in the future. Thank you for such a wonderful experience!

7 habits and love

The life class session was truly amazing, overflowing with emotions, love, and deep connections through conversation. We explored three of the seven habits: being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and putting first things first. These habits have profoundly shifted my thinking and transformed my approach to life. The facilitator’s raw and engaging teaching style made the class both enjoyable and impactful. Their guidance and personal insights have undoubtedly made a positive difference.

Key takeaways from the class included:

Respond, don’t react.

Life is precious; live it to the fullest and cherish each day as if it were your last. We often chase materialistic things, but in the end, it’s our family, friends, and memories that truly matter.

Always prioritize what’s important in life.

Crafting a mission statement helped me clarify what I want from life and how I can achieve success.

Emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and concentrating on areas where we can make a positive difference, rather than placing blame, was particularly impactful.

The workshop was packed with valuable lessons that improved my self-awareness and provided practical tips for bettering my life. The sense of community among the participants made it even more special. It was a heartwarming journey that renewed my sense of purpose and joy. Overall, it was an enlightening experience that led to genuine personal growth.

“7 Habits & Love: Beta Life”

The class provided an engaging and inspiring environment for me to delve into the principles of the first three habits from “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The blend of activities, games, and deep conversations created a dynamic and supportive atmosphere that facilitated learning and personal growth.

Habit 1: Be Proactive
We explored the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and responses. This habit emphasizes the power of choice and the ability to respond positively to different situations.
The class provided practical strategies for becoming more proactive in daily life, such as focusing on one’s circle of influence and reframing challenges as opportunities for growth.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
This habit encouraged us to define our personal and professional goals clearly. It highlighted the significance of vision and purpose in guiding actions and decisions.
Activities included exercises to help us create personal mission statements or visualize our respective desired future, making abstract goals more tangible and actionable.

Habit 3: Put First Things First
The focus here was on prioritization and time management, to identify and focus on what’s truly important rather than just urgent.
Practical tools such as the time management matrix (urgent vs. important) were introduced, enabling us to organize our daily tasks effectively.

The use of activities and games was a brilliant strategy to keep participants engaged and reinforce the principles discussed. These interactive elements likely made the learning process enjoyable and memorable, helping in internalizing the habits more effectively.

Facilitators’ Role
The facilitators did an outstanding job in creating an inspiring and engaging environment. Their ability to guide discussions, manage activities, and foster a supportive atmosphere contributed significantly to the overall success of the class. Their skill in facilitating vulnerable conversations ensured that everyone felt safe and heard. This allowed participants to share their personal experiences and challenges, fostering a sense of community and mutual support. Such discussions are crucial for personal growth, as they enable individuals to connect on a deeper level and learn from each other’s experiences.

Overall, the “7 Habits & Love: Beta Life” class has been a positive experience. The combination of well-structured content, engaging activities, and supportive facilitation has created an ideal environment for learning and growth. I am looking forward to the upcoming classes with great enthusiasm and anticipation.

7 Habits Love and Life (Alfa)

7 Habits of Love and Life,” a profound and enlightening session wherein we delved into three pivotal habits: being proactive, beginning with the end in mind and put first things first. 

Habit 1 : Be Proactive :

A. Respond, Don’t React: One of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of being proactive is learning to respond thoughtfully rather than reacting on impulse. This involves pausing to consider the best course of action, which can lead to more positive outcomes in our decisions. B. Circle of Influence : Understanding and identifying our circle of influence is crucial. This means focusing on the things we can control and influence rather than wasting energy on external factors beyond our control. C. Change Your Paradigm: Adopting a proactive mindset requires a shift in paradigm. It’s about accepting that change is constant and necessary for growth.

Habit 2 : Begin with the end in mind 

Be clear about your GOALS and start with achievable steps. Knowing exactly what we want to achieve allows us to create a roadmap to reach our destination. It’s important to start with actions that are within our control and manageable. These small victories build confidence as we progress towards our larger goals. 

Habit 3: Put first things first : Identifying and scheduling the priorities, learning to say no and maintaining balance and being flexible is also important. Effective planning and prioritizing tasks that contribute significantly to our goals while avoiding unnecessary stress and overwork, is the key to steady progress and avoiding burnout. 

The workshop provided deep insights into how all the habits are interwoven and essential for personal / professional growth and effective living. The journey towards self-improvement and success begins with small, deliberate steps and a clear vision of our goals.

7 Habits Life and Love – Alpha

The 7 habits life class has been a cathartic experience through and through. It allowed me to introspect and dig deeper into the core of my being. It gave me an opportunity to think beyond the hustle and bustle of the daily life and to look at the bigger picture. It also made me realise the vitality of my actions and its aftermath. The class helped me paint a clear picture of the areas of my influence and the things which are beyond my control.

I would also like to express my appreciation for both my facilitators- Puja Agarwal ma’am and Muskan Mittal ma’am for being so kind, compassionate and insightful throughout the sessions, and for keeping us intrigued by planning fun activities. Overall, it was a truly transformative experience.

Life Class

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” — Alan Watts

This quote perfectly captures our recent two-day experience. It seems we took Alan Watts’ advice literally—diving headfirst into the emotional whirlpool and dancing our way through self-discovery. Moving with the rhythm of the Life Class can feel—awkward at first, but surprisingly enlightening!

While the close-knit community was incredibly nurturing, it was also emotionally intense. I’ve always felt that being part of a community has a unique power and comfort, which our facilitators, Puja Ma’am and Muskan Ma’am, truly brought to life. Their warmth and ability to create a space filled with compassion and laughter were truly remarkable.

In our tech-driven world, where distractions are relentless and productivity is often measured by constant busyness, this Life Class was a much-needed break. It provided a space to slow down and reconnect with ourselves.

Here are my key takeaways from the Life Classes:

1. We’re all chasing more—more achievements, more success, and a so-called “perfect life.” But when do we stop to question what “perfection” really means to us? While our goals may vary, at the core, we all seek similar things.
2. Embrace the space between stimulus and response. We always have a choice. Others can offer guidance and make our path clearer, but it’s up to us to walk it.
3. “Dare to do something of your own. Things will fall into place for you.”
4. The concept of the “emotional bank account” was particularly fascinating to me.
5. The realization of our finite and ephemeral existence brings with it a profound sense of both trepidation and clarity. We are undeniably constrained by the accumulation of our past experiences. Becoming conscious of these inherent limitations forces us to confront the daunting truth of our mortality. Yet, paradoxically, this very awareness can be a source of empowerment. Perhaps, for me, this realization provides comfort and motivates me to make my path more intentional.

To sum up my experience, I’m left with more questions than answers:

As human beings, we have a single body but a mind that can imagine living a hundred different lives within one lifetime. There will be moments of dissatisfaction, and it’s natural to wonder when we’ll truly figure out what’s best for us and which path will lead us to “greatness.”

We all recognize the power of free will, and each person is tested by life. So why is it that some of us struggle to fully utilize our will, even when opportunities come our way?

My first Life Class

The two-day life class began with the “7 Habits Alpha” session, focusing on the first three habits, which emphasize personal independence and self-improvement. On the first day, I learned about being proactive and taking responsibility for my actions. An activity where we wrote about a significant life incident and explored alternative reactions provided a cathartic release, easing some of my intense emotions.

Overall, the life class was a profound experience, filled with emotional highs and lows, setting a promising foundation for future sessions. I’m eager to see what more these classes have to offer!

7 Habits – Alpha

7 Habits and Love life class left me feeling inspired and rejuvenated. The experience was enlightening and filled with genuine personal growth. One key takeaway was the importance of embracing responsibility for our actions and focusing on areas where we can make a positive impact, rather than casting blame. Another vital lesson was learning to distinguish between tasks that are important and those that merely seem urgent. By focusing on what truly matters, we can avoid distractions and stay true to our goals. Crafting a personal mission statement, nurturing gratitude, practicing discipline with kindness, and balancing productivity with self-care were also emphasized, showing us how to achieve lasting success without sacrificing our well-being.

What resonated with me the most was the emphasis on prioritizing tasks based on their significance. This fresh approach challenged my current methods and gave me practical steps that I’m excited to implement. I found the discussions on gratitude and discipline particularly enlightening. They highlighted the importance of appreciating the good in our lives and maintaining steady, compassionate self-control to reach our goals. The workshop was filled with valuable lessons that deepened my understanding of myself and offered actionable ways to enhance my life. The sense of community and shared purpose among the participants made the experience even more special. It was a heartwarming and enriching journey that I will cherish, leaving me with a renewed sense of purpose and joy.

Story telling – Manish Tiwari

“Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity.” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author

I choose Story telling so I could become better in presentation skills.My decision was correct. Sagar sir took us to Journey of Story telling in step by step manner.My colleagues for this life class are awesome as everyone were quite interactive throughout the session. Through small activities like completing the story then collaborative task of story making, Let us understand story telling better.I am ready to explore more such horizons of story telling….

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