Takeaways – Emotional Intelligence

Firstly the term ‘Emotional intelligence’ was very much alien term to me.But both the days of life classes have helped me to focus more about human emotions and also bit of physiology. There was lot of peer sharing which helped again to unlearn and relearn about few complex topics associated with emotions. The best part of the session was realising how vital mindful listening is when we talk about communication skills. There were few videos which was used to brainstorm about particular scenario. The example shared in video by Gaur Gopal Das was really effective. In a lucid way it helped us to realize how we drag with different emotions when we are happy & sad. It was great opportunity to introspect about ourselves and think the practices that can help us to synergies well with team members and other people in our life.

Book Club 2022-23

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Tiny changes, remarkable results….

That’s the realization that sunk in when I read the book.

Habits shape our identity – this is not a new learning. We have been told this since ages. But this book brought in a lot of takeaways. We always say that habits die hard. But James Clear in this book shares lot of strategies which can be easily implemented in order to inculcate good habits and break the bad ones. The 2 minute rule to stop procrastinating really stuck with me. It says that Habits are the entry point and not the end point. It’s like an entry ramp to a long highway. In order to begin a good habit ensure that the first 2 minutes are easy and once we have standardized these initial 2 minutes, rest will be taken care of.

The book also throws light on how being in motion is different from action, even though at first instance it seems the same. Being in motion involves mere planning, but action involves practice. Repetition is the key to the beginning of any new habit.

Another point worth noting is that focus on the current trajectory rather than current result. 1% improvement daily would compound to 37 times improvement over a year.

The 4 laws of behavior change seemed so relatable. These are simple set of rules to build good habits. They are: 1. Make it obvious 2. Make it attractive 3. Make it easy 4. Make it satisfying.



“Atomic Habits”book by James Clear

Habit is a routine that we follow diligently. Habits could be bad or good depending on your will. Habits can be changed, transformed, and extended.

In the book ” Atomic Habit” by James Clear”.
There are four simple steps to forming a new habit or breaking an old one.
Make it obvious
—-The routine which you want to follow should be clear to you and it could be divided into 4 segments, Cue— Craving —- response — reward.
—Once the habit becomes automatic then you do have not to pay attention. A habit scoreboard is a good practice to become more aware of your behavior so that you can track your progress.
—- Pointing and calling out helps out to raise your awareness from a nonconscious habit to a conscious habit.
—- Time and Location are the two most important cues.
—– Motivate yourself and the environment plays a crucial role in forming new habits.
—- Make the cues of good habits obvious in the environment.
—- If possible make the entire context become the cue.
—-People with high self control tend to spend less time in tempting situations. It is easier to avoid temptations than resist it.
—- Self-control is a short-term strategy, not for the long term.
Make it Attractive
The most attractive opportunity is, the more likely to become habit-forming.
—- Temptation bundling is one way to make your habits more attractive. The strategy is to pair an action you want to do with an action you need to do.
—– The role of Family and friends is too important.
—- The culture we live in determines the behavior which is attractive to us.
—-  We tend to adopt habits that get appreciated by our group or culture because we want to fit in that group.
— we tend to imitate the habits of our close friends and relatives or powerful people with status and prestige.
—– Join a culture or group of people with your desired behavior.
——- If a behavior gets approval, respect, or praise we find it attractive.
Make bad habits unattractive
– Every behavior has an underlying motive. Your habits are modern-day solutions to ancient desires.
—- Highlights the benefits of avoiding a bad habit to making it unattractive.
—- Habits are attractive when we associate them with positive feelings. Create a motivational ritual by doing something you enjoy.
Make it easy 
—- Practice your new habit and make it simple. 
——Focus on action not being in motion.
—— make automatic through repetition, the number of time matters more than the amount of time.
—- Human behavior is to put the least effort.
—- Create an environment where doing the right thing is as easy as possible.
—-Reduce the friction associated with good behavior.
—– Increase the friction associated with bad behavior
——Set your environment to make future actions easier.
—– The 2-minute rule says that do for a limited time.
—— using technology to automate habits.
Make it satisfying 
—- Satisfaction leads to repeated behavior.
—– Immediate rewards are preferred instead of future rewards.
—– success or progress motivates u to repeat the habit.
—– immediately punished and rewarded behavior can affect repetitive habits.
—— Habit tracking is good to see the progress.
—– Never miss twice. Try to keep on track as early as possible.
—— Less likely habit would not be repeated it is painful.
——- Habit contract can be used to add a special cost to any promise.
These are the points on which I focus and get a new habit formed.

LC on Integrity and EI – kappa

Life classes are always a breather amidst the regular busy schedule at FS. Coming to school without even a thought of what will be my agenda today and are there any tasks pending is always welcome.

These two days had been fruitful. We revisited the traits and benefits of being non-judgemental, accepting the fears, focussing on action, parting with illegitimate pains, and turning legitimate pains into power. All the while being pivoted to the concepts of Integrity.

The movie, “My sister’s keeper”, was a very appropriate selection. It was a heavy movie in terms of human emotions and human nature.  We shared our reflections making connections from our personal lives.

Thanks to FS for this opportunity!

Pain to Power

I enjoyed the sessions planned for both the days. Especially, the movie ‘My Sister’s Keeper’. It served as a cherry on the cake. How your pain can be transformed to power and how can one control their underlying fears through necessary actions were the most important lessons I learnt in these two days. It changed the definition of FEAR for me from ‘Forget Everything And Run’ to ‘Face Everything And Rise’.


The Journey from Fear & Pain to Power with Integrity

We all live life but differently, but the term integrity comes at every stages of our lives to be implemented at different situations. Doing this life class of integrity helped me realize the fact that how we sometimes unintentionally don’t follow the true path, sometimes the realization is so late that we regret it and at times we don’t. But integrity is what everyone should inculcate in themselves as sooner or later it will always come back to you in a good way but all other paths will lead to disaster. A lot of wonderful videos we saw in the life class which taught us about being non judgmental in life.

Talking about the fear and pain and converting it into power was very well explained in the life class and topping it up with a very beautiful movie “My Sister’s Keeper” is when we could so aptly relate to these factors. We all have fears and pain in us and we have gone through all types of fear and pain at some point of time, knowing the types in the life class we learned deeply about it and also we could categorize it. It is only after you know which category you come into is when you are able to have a solution to your fear and convert it into power.

The overall session was definitely very informative and knowing things within you in a deeper way gives you the power to turn the negatives into positives.

From Pain to Power!

While it is easy for us to think that pain is all there is in life, there comes a time where one must take decide and take an action. An action that would change this pain into Power. Through the current life class sessions which were highly interactive, I received an opportunity to understand this message which is important. Over and above, the movie we watched helped me understand that in a way pain is inevitable (loss of a dear one, ones own life, etc…)But the power is with us, to take our time to grieve or deal with the pain and then move ahead in life.



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