The Journey from Fear & Pain to Power with Integrity

We all live life but differently, but the term integrity comes at every stages of our lives to be implemented at different situations. Doing this life class of integrity helped me realize the fact that how we sometimes unintentionally don’t follow the true path, sometimes the realization is so late that we regret it and at times we don’t. But integrity is what everyone should inculcate in themselves as sooner or later it will always come back to you in a good way but all other paths will lead to disaster. A lot of wonderful videos we saw in the life class which taught us about being non judgmental in life.

Talking about the fear and pain and converting it into power was very well explained in the life class and topping it up with a very beautiful movie “My Sister’s Keeper” is when we could so aptly relate to these factors. We all have fears and pain in us and we have gone through all types of fear and pain at some point of time, knowing the types in the life class we learned deeply about it and also we could categorize it. It is only after you know which category you come into is when you are able to have a solution to your fear and convert it into power.

The overall session was definitely very informative and knowing things within you in a deeper way gives you the power to turn the negatives into positives.

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