Critical Thinking Theta- Day 7

The day began with a quick yet critical recap, allowing us to reconnect with past learnings and establish a foundation for the discussions ahead. This exercise was a great way to jog our memories and see how our understanding had evolved over time.Once we were ready, we faced an intriguing challenge—five statements with ethical dilemmas were displayed on the screen. Our task was to arrange them in order of priority and importance. This required us to make tough choices, guided by our values and perspectives. Just as we started feeling confident in our decisions, the complexity increased. The number of statements doubled from five to ten, making the task even more difficult. This was a true test of our ability to set priorities, revealing how often our emotions influence our critical thinking over logic.Following this, we were divided into groups to research various ethical dilemma theories. We explored their meanings, real-life examples, and their issues. This research deepened our understanding of how different perspectives shape ethical decision-making.To put our learning into practice, we were given different scenarios that presented ethical challenges. We had to reflect on what we would do if we were part of those situations. This was an eye-opening exercise, as it helped us understand the balance between emotions and rational thinking when making decisions.This entire process was not just about learning theories; it was about self-awareness. It helped me realize how I make decisions in my personal life and how important it is to evaluate every scenario carefully before choosing a course of action. Ethical dilemmas are a part of life, and today’s experience gave me the confidence to approach them with a more thoughtful and balanced mindset.


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