Storytelling Lifeclass day 7 & 8

As this storytelling life class ends, I reflect on a journey of discovery, observation, and powerful performances. Over eight days, we refined our storytelling skills, embracing the process with enthusiasm. Performing and witnessing deeply personal acts was transformative, with raw emotions adding depth to the experience.

Ending with Rang De Basanti as a storytelling masterpiece perfectly reinforced our learning. Grateful to our facilitator for their guidance and encouragement in creating a space where creativity flourished.


Storytelling session day 7-8

##storytelling Lifeclass

Story telling — Thank you!!

Our incredible 8-day journey of learning and discovery has come to a close. We’re all storytellers in our own right, with countless life stories to share. This experience showed us just how beautifully we can convey those stories. Beyond the technical skills we gained, the confidence we built in performing and narrating stories on stage was truly remarkable. A heartfelt thank you to Sagar Sir for guiding us through this experience, allowing us to relive and cherish the small stories of love, care, respect, and countless emotions.

Storytelling day 7 & 8

With immense gratitude, we come to the end of an incredible storytelling life class. This journey has been truly amazing, filled with learning, observation, and heartfelt performances by my colleagues. Watching them embrace and enjoy the process while recalling all the intricacies we learned over these eight days has been an enriching experience. It was a pleasure to be part of such a wonderful class.

A special thanks to our facilitator, whose guidance made this experience even more meaningful. Their patience and encouragement allowed us to work at our own pace, fostering creativity and helping us bring our acts to life in the most expressive way.

Life Classes(Love class) – Day 7 & 8

The Life Classes on respect, love, and communication have provided us with invaluable insights into the core principles that sustain healthy and fulfilling relationships. We have learned that respect is the foundation upon which trust and mutual understanding are built, while love is a continuous action that nurtures and strengthens the bond between individuals. Moreover, communication stands as the bridge that connects hearts and minds, ensuring that both partners feel heard, valued, and supported.

These lessons have not only deepened our understanding of relationships but also empowered us to apply these principles in our own lives. By fostering respect, nurturing love, and practicing effective communication, we can create lasting and meaningful connections that thrive on mutual care and understanding.

Transformative Insights from Our Life Class Journey

our Life Class have been an enriching experience, filled with valuable insights and deep reflection. We explored the concept of marriage, understanding its different phases and the essential elements that build a strong and lasting relationship. This discussion helped us see relationships in a new light, emphasizing the importance of love, trust, and mutual respect.

In addition to marriage, we also delved into parenting, comparing traditional and modern approaches and their impact on a child’s upbringing. Understanding these differences made us realize how parenting shapes a child’s values, confidence, and future. A thought-provoking film further reinforced these lessons, helping us relate them to real-life situations.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes to our wonderful facilitators, Pooja Ma’am and Muskan Ma’am, for their engaging and insightful teaching. Their warmth and encouragement made the sessions interactive, thought-provoking, and deeply meaningful.

Looking back, these eight days have been nothing short of transformative. The lessons we’ve learned will not only help us in our personal lives but also shape our future relationships. As we move forward, we carry with us a newfound awareness, ready to embrace life’s journey with wisdom and understanding.

Haso, Jeeyo, Muskurao :)

The last two days in our life class have been a remarkable experience filled with learning and self-discovery. We delved into the concept of marriage, its different phases, and the essential factors that contribute to a strong and fulfilling relationship. This insight provided us with a renewed understanding of the importance of relationships in our lives. Additionally, we explored parenting styles, contrasting traditional and modern methods, and recognizing their deep influence on a child’s development. Watching a thought-provoking film further deepened our grasp of these ideas, allowing us to relate the different stages of marriage to real-life situations.

A sincere thank you to our amazing mentors, Pooja Ma’am and Muskan Ma’am, whose engaging and thought-provoking approach created an open and supportive learning environment.

These eight days have been truly life-changing, leaving us with valuable lessons that will guide us in different aspects of life. As it is often said, “Life is not about how many breaths you take, but about the moments that leave you breathless.”

Unveiling Unseen Places (Day 7 & 8)

Unveiling Unseen Places.

यात्राओं के अनुभव के सातवें दिन हम सोनगढ़ किले पर चढ़ाई करने निकल पड़े थे। अफ़सोस तो नहीं पर कुछ दुःख हुआ क्योंकि चाहकर भी अपने पैरों की तकलीफ के चलते मैं चढ़ाई नहीं कर सकी।अतः किले के नीचले भाग में कुछ दोस्तों के साथ बातचीत करने और पक्षियों तथा प्रकृति के नजारों का आनंद लिया। दोपहर के भोजन और बस की यात्रा का अनुभव हमेशा की तरह ही सुखद रहा। 

आठवें दिन हम पड़ोसी क्षेत्र ‘रांदेर’ घूमने निकले। कभी कभी दूर की यात्राओं के चक्कर में हम आस पास की जगहों को छोड़ देते हैं। ऐसा ही लगा इस यात्रा के बाद, सूरत में जिमखाना है- पता ही नहीं था मुझे। पुरानी इमारतें, मस्जिद और मंदिरों को देखना, हिन्दू- मुस्लिम का सहयोग के साथ एक साथ रहना थोड़ा-सा आश्चर्यजनक था। पहली बार खाऊसा का स्वाद भी लिया।

कुल मिलाकर देखी और अनदेखी जगहों की यात्रा, नए दोस्तों का साथ- उनकी मस्ती, सबकुछ सुखद रहा।

Day 7 & 8

The two-day life class on marriage and parenting was a great learning experience. I found the “5 ingredients of marriage” most interesting and it gave me a new perspective. We also had deep discussions on the roles and responsibilities of parenting, which gave me a clearer understanding of what it truly means to raise a child. A big thank you to the facilitators for creating a supportive environment for open discussions!

P.S: The most fun part was a treasure hunt that helped us recall past lessons.

Memorable Life Class Experience- Day 7 & 8

The last two days of our life class have been an incredible journey of learning and self-reflection. We explored the topic of marriage, its different stages, and the key elements that make a relationship healthy and strong. Understanding these aspects gave us a fresh perspective on the importance of relationships in our lives. We also delved into parenting, comparing old and new approaches, and realizing how they shape a child’s growth. A thought-provoking movie helped us relate the stages of marriage to real-life scenarios, making the concepts even more meaningful.

A heartfelt thank you to our wonderful facilitators, Pooja Ma’am and Muskan Ma’am, who made these sessions engaging, insightful, and relatable. Their approach created a comfortable space where we could learn and share openly.

Overall, these eight days have been truly transformative, leaving us with wisdom that will guide us in many aspects of life.


Sagar Sir conducted the storytelling workshop exceptionally well. The entire workshop was structured and highly engaging, with a perfect balance of theory, relevant videos, and connected activities. We learned a lot about story structure and how it translates into performance, making the experience both enriching and enjoyable.

Thank you so much for the wonderful learning! Kudos!

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