Story telling workshop -Vinkal Magajwala

On the first day, our facilitator narrated his own story through a drama, which helped us all get into the storytelling mindset. We then created an instant story on day 1 and enacted in groups on day two. The sessions included sharing our childhood memories, watching short inspiring videos, and a movie. Overall, it was a well-designed, interactive experience. I am excited for more stories to be created and brought to life in future sessions.

Storytelling session 1-2

We have successfully completed the first two captivating sessions of our storytelling class, and what a delightful journey it has been! We thoroughly enjoyed the creative process of crafting and writing our stories, bringing them to life through performances, and exploring the art of storytelling. Additionally, we had the opportunity to watch a short film and a movie, which enabled us to make meaningful connections with the technical and creative aspects of storytelling. Through these experiences, we gained a deeper understanding of the craft and technicalities involved in weaving compelling narratives.


Story telling

I would like to thank Sagar sir for sharing his deep knowledge of story telling and made us understand the art of story telling. All activities were planned on a way that each participant participated and to get the drama out of our of the story that has no story was very well managed. All in all had 2 fun filled days with lots of knowledge of story telling

@Anil kalal

Storytelling Workshop Day 1&2

I thoroughly enjoyed the first two days of the storytelling workshop. We began with an ice-breaking game involving passing a ball and following actions, we then create and dramatize a story. We explored key story elements like exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Additionally, we analyzed a video using the 5 W’s and watched the movie “Tamasha,” which provided valuable insights into storytelling.

Story Telling

Day 1 & 2 – Day filled with learning with a lot of fun and enjoyment where the elements of story telling were explained in detail and also the activity of telling 1-1 line by each participant to create a whole new story was very exciting. The same story was then converted to a short drama and all participated enthusiastically. The art of making a story using the structure was explained very well. All in All 2 great days filled with learning and fun and the facilitator’s way of engaging each participant and make them participate is really appreciated. Thank you very much Sagar sir for the great work.

  • By Samkit Shah

Story telling

With much deliberation, I decided to participate in the storytelling session, and it turned out to be an incredible experience. We began our day with an ice-breaking activity, and within two hours, we became a non-judgmental, cohesive group. We delved into the elements of storytelling and honed our skills in keen observation, gaining a deeper understanding of the nuances in others’ behaviors and expressions. Thank you so much @sagar Gohil sir!!

Story Telling

I am a person who has no idea about any art forms but in these two days in the workshop of story telling I got to learn some technicalities of how stories are actually told, how the introduction should be done when you tell a story, how the content should be delivered in a way where any person can easily comprehend, overall these two days I got to learn something for myself.

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