Storytelling- Day 5 & 6

We started the session with some interesting stories of vacation.We were literally engrossed into it as per the narration done by each participants.After it we added light on a few topics like types of Abhinaya, Story ideas etc. Abhinaya means to carry towards in sanskrit. Carrying ideas and emotions towards the audience. Types of Abhinaya are Angika Abhinaya : The art of conveying emotions through physical gestures and postures.2. Vachika Abhinaya : The use of voice and speech to express emotions and tell stories.3. Aharya Abhinaya : The employment of costumes, makeup, and accessories to enhance the storytelling experience.4. Satvika Abhinaya : The expression of emotions through internal feelings and emotional states.Our Facilitators provided great insights about each topic and also showed videos related to each type of Abhinaya which enabled us to understand it better.

Now after learning Abhinaya related topic properly.We went to explore story ideas through an activity where we were supposed to get 5 story theme’s but finally work on one story.Once story was developed on basic frame of Beginning, Middle part and End of the story, We were supposed to share the story with other participants and get feedback on the same.Facilitators shared their works and added individual attention that we are on right track towards making of stories. Thank you to both Sagar sir and Nayan sir for an engaging and enlightening session. 

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