Bhagwat Gita Reflection

Krishna ; Is always been close to my heart from childhood. I was not having any reason why; but now if I look into my affection towards him I found many according to my age. In childhood I enjoyed his playfulness as child and his mischiefs. Then in young age his stories about radha and meera and other part of his youth.

But actually I start having him as an idol when I started reading about him written by other authors. Then finally one day I hold Gita and started reading it. Everybody who have written about him have their own version of Krishna (I also have one) It says if you read Gita and all your question will be answered, it’s TRUE.


Here in Gita classes I have started exploring about him in one different aspects. I like and enjoy these classes as it involve the authenticity of original Gita and it’s Shloka. Also chanting it in Sanskrit with actual pronunciation is also one of the most powerful impact.


Day:1 we have talked about three shakti “ Ichchha Shakti, Kriya Shakti and Gyan Shakti “. According to me when I look into it closely, it says we have to have balance between all three. If any of those can be empower one another we lose balance and overpowering any of those shakti can lead us to be more demanding from our life and create pain and anger. Which was next topic of the day “pain and root of pain which is anger”. I can relate to it so closely as I am working on it from long time. It is difficult but once you are able to see your anger you can try to look into it and figure out the cause of it. Then it will be easy to find out from where it is coming. Once I know the root of my anger I just watch it, what is coming? why it is happening? Is it worth to give much energy or attention? I always get my answer that “my peace is more important then my anger”.


Day:2 here we go “Expectation” this was the topic and it was a really good learning examples. As I was already working on myself this was the most challenging area, because everything comes with expectations. In your life all you have is expectations, ether it’s yours or it is from you. Holding your expectations and moving further required lot of efforts, it appears without you knowing it. No exception state according to me is very higher state of being which required enlightenment. But of course I can try to drop my expectation where and when I can.


Day:3-4 I was absent as I have gone for CAS trip so missed those classes and Day:5 I was absent.


Day:6 we have talked about Artha which is about our desire of wealth and Kama is connected with Raga, Dwesha etc. Yes we all know what is right and what should be done but we do not take right decisions on right time and then it becomes our Karma. Ultimately we end up getting result of what we have chosen as our Karma and it was described very briefly and so well in Gita. We can also connect our Karma with expectation part and introspect about how we do everything out of expectation. I am on the line of understanding and which also been discussed that first love yourself, Do good with you, Don’t torture yourself to prove something, Be happy and once you start practicing this you automatically reflecting same with others.

My journey to understand “Gita”

I always had one question, Why should I read “Bhagwad Gita”? There were many people who met in my life journey saying it will help you understand what life is all about and how to live life? I thought why not give it a try. I tried reading it in the year 2001. I enjoyed Sanskrit as a subject in my school days starting from grade 5 to 12 so why not read Gita now. I read it as a story, reading shlokas and then their translations. But nothing seemed to fascinate me about this book. I liked watching the serial Mahabharata and I still enjoy it on “Epic” channel. This might be due to my affection towards historical stories especially which includes King, queen and royals. Someone told me read the book from last chapter, I did that too. On “Gita Jayanti”, read Chapter 15 that too I did. But, still that thirst to read was there. In my life time, I want to read all holy books and understand it. May be the thirst to understand Gita drove me towards it and I opted for this class. The last critical thinking class had also left me thinking about it.

These Gita classes by Gagan sir is different. Understanding the essence of it is very interesting and lot of questions keep coming after I attend it. I have also started reading the book “ How to talk to children so they listen and how to listen to children when they talk” suggested by him. Some key take away are.

  1. You need to understand what other person is going through without telling them that you understand.
  2. First emotion should be controlled for others to listen to a solution.
  3. What you think in your own eyes matter. We worry more on what others say.
  4. My composure is not disturbed due to external factors.
  5. Your happiness level is like a Yo-Yo.
  6. Don’t look down upon yourself. You are your own friend and your own enemy.
  7. Worry about yourself first. Children will grow on their own.
  8. It is good to have ambitions in life. It gives self-accomplishment.
  9. Break ambitions into manageable goals.
  10. Redefine success.
  11. You cannot determine the outcomes. Your right is with reference to your actions.
  12. My response to a situation makes me uncomfortable not Paap or Punya.
  13. Dharma is never constant. It changes from place to place. There are two types of Dharma. Samanya and Vishesh.
  14. You cannot get rid of expectations but accept that it may go wrong due to limited knowledge.
  15. Dama and Kshama are important and helps us to handle situations.
  16. Maker and material are important. Maker and material are same.
  17. Meditation is important.
  18. Dream is a manifestation of you.
  19. Look for relative satisfaction. Take results as a Prasad.
  20. Raga and Dvesha dictate your life. They show you short cuts. It is important to manage it.
  21. You have to interpret Dharma. What is appropriate and inappropriate in a given situation. Commitment is to manage Raga and Dvesha and go with what is to be done.
  22. Pursuit of security is what an animal wants. Pursuit of pleasure is what makes you happy. Emotional maturity is important to handle this.
  23. Knower doer split: When you have knowledge but still you take decisions which is not in accordance with Dharma. This results in guilt and regrets.
  24. Prayers are important and it helps in adding more Adrishta which help you.



What I have started applying is to remain calm when I get angry as I don’t want other or myself to get victimized. When I come under stress then I ask myself is it a role stress which I am facing or something else which I am carrying. Once I realize it, I tell myself it is my role which I need to leave and enter in a new role. Be it home or work. It is helping me. The most important thing is I feel great when I meditate when sir does it. It takes me to a different world. I feel dizziness in the beginning but then it feels great. I used to chant a lot of shlokas and prayers as it gave me peace which I stopped. I am planning to start again without a prayer place as well. There are a lot of questions and I am patiently waiting if it gets answered.







“भगवद गीता”- जीवन के प्रति देखने का नया दृष्टिकोण

इस बार life Class में भगवद गीता है !! जिस महाभारत को बचपन से जाना था उसे अधिक जानने का एक और मौका मिलेगा , इसी उत्सुकता के साथ “भगवद गीता” का चुनाव मैंने  किया | अब भगवद गीता की किताब मिलेगी और सभी अध्यायों  का परिचय होगा ऐसी मेरी सोच थी लेकिन पहले दो क्लास अनुपस्थीत  रहने के कारण पता चला ,”इसमें भगवद गीता नहीं मिलेगी , ना ही सभी अध्यायों का परिचय होगा |” 

*मुझे प्रभावित करनेवाले विचार  

“हम दूसरों से दुःखी हो जाते हैं , हमें अपने आप से  खुश रहना आना चाहिए |”

-दूसरे इंसान की प्रगति , संपत्ति से हमारे मन में इर्षा उत्पन्न होती है और हम अपने आप को कोसते हुए दुखी बनाते है |

– गुस्से पर काबु करना बहुत जरूरी इससे हम अपने आप को सज़ा देते है |


समस्या – हमारे जीवन में समस्या हैं और हमें समस्या सुलझाने का हल नहीं मिल रहा हैं  क्योंकि हमारा लक्ष्य हमारी Expectation अपने आप से कुछ ज्यादा ही है|

गुरूजी  ने एक बात बहुत अच्छे से बताई “भगवद गीता याने आपके दुखों का हल नहीं हैं लेकिन खुदको मदद करने वाला  हमसफ़र जरूर हैं |”


“कर्मण्येवाधिकरस्ते    मा  फलेषु कदाचन”- कर्म करते रहो फल मिलेगा |

हमें अपने जीवन में अनेक कर्तव्यों का पालन करना जरूरी होता हैं – अपने परिवार के सदस्यों  का पालन- पोषण  , हमारे काम ( अर्थ प्राप्ति ) के प्रति निष्ठा , समाज और देश के प्रति कर्तव्य | इन कर्तव्यों का पालन करते समय हो सकता है कभी हमें उचित यश न मिले , नौकरी में तरक्की न मिले , बच्चे सही राह पर न जाए … और अनेक कारणों से हमें दुःखी नहीं होना है , ना ही अपने आप को दोष देना है | इसके लिए आसान सूत्र हैं-

“अपने लक्ष्य को विस्तृत रखों  समस्या अपने आप छोटी हो जाएगी|  “

धर्म की सही व्याख्या / परिभाषा  –

इस Class  से पहले मेरे मन में धर्म यानि “Religion / Cast” ऐसा ही विचार था | मैंने बचपन से समाज में धर्म का यही मतलब देखा था | “हमारा धर्म ऐसा नहीं कहता, हमारे धर्म  ख़िलाफ़ हैं , इन्होंने हमारा धर्म बिगाड़ा |”  हम पाप और पुण्य को ही धर्म के साथ जोड़ते थे | आज पहली बार धर्म याने

“ क्या सही , क्या गलत , क्या उचित और क्या अनुचित ये जानना , उसका आचरण करना याने धर्म |” हमेशा कितनी भी कठिनाई आए  सही रस्ते से ही मंजिल अपनानी है , गलत रस्ते से यश मिलेगा भी लेकिन वह धर्म से पाया हुआ नहीं होगा |

मैं मेरा अनुभव बताना चाहूँगी मेरे पति हमेशा गाड़ी चलाते समय सीट बेल्ट बाँधते हैं , No Parking जगह पर कभी भी गाड़ी नहीं रखते , Wrong side से कुछ भी हो जाएँ गाड़ी नहीं ही चलाएँगे ,हमेशा गाड़ी के कागज़ाद साथ रखते हैं with PUC . आज मुझे उनके प्रति बहुत ही गर्व महसूस होता है |

मुझे लगता हैं इस धर्म पालन अगर होगा तो पूरे विश्व में शांति बरकरार रहेगी | मनुष्य में “राग ,लोभ ,इर्षा , द्वेष” लुप्त होकर प्रेम ही प्रेम रहेगा ,महिलाओं पर अत्याचार नही होंगे , भ्रष्टाचार नही होंगे , जाती – धर्म के नाम पर कर्म कांड नही होंगे |

हाँ लेकिन इसके लिए दूसरे क्या कर रहे है ? के बदले मैं धर्म के राह पर चल रहा / रही हूँ ना , ये जरूरी है |


हमारे देश में “प्रसाद “को अनन्य साधारण महत्त्व है , वो प्रसाद कैसा भी हो हम उसे निष्ठा के साथ ग्रहण करते है | इस प्रसाद से हमें सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण मिलता है |इस ही दूसरे तरीके से देखा जाए तो जो कर्म हम कर रहे है, उसका  हमेशा हमे अच्छा ही फल मिले जरूरी नही हैं, हमें “प्रसाद “की  तरह उसे सच्चे मन से स्वीकारना होगा |हमें संयम से काम चलाना होगा |


संकल्प –


अपना  लक्ष्य को पाने के लिए मैं “धर्म” की ही राह चलूँगी | मेरी बेटी भी हमसे यही सीखेगी |


मुझे अपने आप पर प्रेम करना है “स्व” को खुश रखना है |


जय गुरुदेव !!

Bhagavad gita

The subject matter of the Gita is in fact which has learning to the journing of life .It is Hindu texts which has sholkas with descriptions . sholkas are connections with our  life.

I want to bring discipline in my life .I want to bring change in my life.

we need to think and focus on our own actions .We are responsible for our own elevation or debasement. Elevate yourself through the power of your mind, and not degrade yourself, for the mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self.When we suffer reversals on the path of spiritual growth, we tend to complain that others have caused havoc to us and they are our enemies. However, our biggest enemy is our own mind.we need to travel our own path .


We have the right to do our duty, but the results are not dependent only upon our efforts. A number of factors come into play in determining the results.

our efforts, destiny (our past karmas), the will of God, the efforts of others, the cumulative karmas of the people involved, the place and situation  etc. Now if we become anxious for results, we will experience anxiety whenever they are not according to our expectations.

if God did not supply our body-mind-soul mechanism with the power to perform actions, we could have done nothing. Thus, we must give up the ego of doing, remembering that God is the only source of the power by which we perform all our actions.

Do not be attached to inaction. Although the nature of the living being is to work, often situations arise where work seems burdensome and confusing. In such cases, instead of running away from it, we must understand and implement the proper science of work.

When we understand that the effort is in our hands, not the results, we then concern ourselves only with doing our duty. The results are for the pleasure of God, and so we dedicate them to him. Now, if the results are not to our expectations, we calmly accept them as the will of God. In this way, we are able to accept fame and infamy, success and failure, pleasure and pain, as God’s will, and when we learn to embrace both equally, we develop the equanimity that sholka   2- 48 talks about

we need to think positive and what we get is parasad .

The problem that we face is a conflict between emotions and Dharma /duty . The recurring problem is the constant thought that I need to face and except it will come and go .IT is like seasons it will follows everyday we need to find the solution of the problem.

I still have is about the cycle of the ‘drishta(visible) and adrishta(invisible) or my paap and punya’. I understand that everything that is happening is because of this past karma, however, what I fail to understand is when, because of my previous paap, something bad happens, how do I control my actions then and ensure that I don’t end up adding to my ‘paaps’. However, I am will do more learning on this .

Last but not the least, talking about raga and dvesha, Raga means desire and dvesha means what we don’t desire to happen.Raga and Dvesha are the two Doshas or faults in the mind that have brought us to this world.All the emotions come under the category of Raga-Dvesha.Pleasure and pain, Harsha and Soka are due to Raga-Dvesha. If Raga and Dvesha vanish from the mind, Harsha-Soka also will disappear.It was explained by an example: If an object gives pleasure, you get Raga for the object. But when there is Viyoga (separation) from the object, as in the case of death of your dear wife or son, you get immense pain which is indescribable.

before I end my reflection I would also like to mention that apart from learning Gita, it’s connection with our lives, I look forward to the wonderful vocabulary and phrases like- ‘when rubber hits the road’, ‘catch 22 situation’, ‘fortify yourself with breakfast’, let’s go on a detour and then we will pick up the thread again’; Guruji keeps using these and many more which makes me want to listen to him.

I will apply Guriji teachings in my life and read and learn new things on books on Gita  and try to apply and change in my life .

I will learn to open  more doors to dharma and do my duties to change my karma by doing best things



Dharma & Karma is what life is all about

  • The sessions of Bhagwat Gita have been a blessing to me. No doubt I have heard many things which have been covered in these sessions from my grandmother. When she used to share I used to have so many questions, doubts, confusions, etc. But Guruji’s sharing has been enlightening to be. The examples and stories which he shares help me to understand better.I would like to share few of my learning which has illuminated my thinking:
    • ‘A teacher should teach when it is asked to’ – We always have a habit to advice people or can say ‘ Gyan bat te pherte hai’. This quote has taught me that we shouldn’t start preaching till the time somebody asks us to share.
    • ‘You are responsible for all your actions’ – This I have learnt from most of the workshops. But every time I hear it, once again the bulb is lighted in my brain. This helps me not to blame others for my grief. Guruji said ‘Group of Karma’s is motion for you. You are responsible for own karma and destiny.
    • ‘Have ambitions in your life. It’s healthy to have desires.’ – I use to think that desiring too many things is greed but after listening to Guruji that humans are the only living beings who have the privilege to desire and has ‘Ichhashakti, Kriyashakti and Gyanshakti’ to fulfil those desires. For accomplishing your desire you need to act. Now I feel being ambitious is not being selfish. While talking about desire Guruji shared an example of Dhiraj sons which was an amazing way to make us understand that you need to act on your desires but you don’t determine what you’ll get. You’ll get according to the laws. Four things can happen when you act – 1. What do you desire you get it. 2. You get more than you desire. 3. You don’t get what you desire. 4. You get something else than what you have desired.
    • There are two emotions which need to be tackled i.e. ‘anger and fear’- Guruji said we need to welcome fear and you shouldn’t be afraid of fear. This I have applied in my life and seen that when I’m ready to face the fear the fear goes off automatically and I find myself stronger and confident. Anger is not a product of your will but it happens because of our background. We shouldn’t respond when we are in anger.
    • Material and maker are the same- This session elucidated my knowledge. I have heard the same thing from my grandmother but when Guruji explained the same thing by giving the example of the dream which gave me a better understanding. He shared dream is simply a manifestation of what you have seen and you are the creator of the same. During this session I had many questions related to ‘ Material and maker are the same’ but when he proved it by giving examples.
    • Take the life like a Prasada –  We can control the actions, not the results. We should have the ability to swallow all the problems like we take the prasad without any complaints. We should be ready to face the problems and resolve the same rather than be complaining or crying about it. Your life is all because of past karmas and you are responsible for the same.
    • ‘Karmyoga’- expertise with respect in choosing action –  We should choose our actions according to our knowledge i.e. if we know that you’ll be hurt than you also know that this action will also hurt others. So, we should choose our actions like a ‘Karmyogi’ (a person who lives his life without disrupting others life).
    • Invest the time in your growth rather than satisfying your raga and dvesha –  We should take care of our self than only you can help others. If we set a larger goal and strive for achieving the same. This goal will help you in growing.
    • Dharma – Dharma is to be done i.e. doing things which are right. Many a time there are situations where you know the correct action but you do opposite one. This is knower and doer split. Dharma is the manifestation of Ishwara. Dharma should be your priority than Arthkama (security and persuade for pleasure). We need to be committed to Dharma which will help us to grow.
    • Punya can be earned- A living being can reach Punya by helping others and by offering prayers. Punya can be seen or unseen but surely it can be earned.

Bhagvad Gita- Mi experiencia única

I am so glad that ‘The essence of Bhagwat Gita’ happened to me. I really wanted to know and understand all the verses given in Gita. And trust me when I started to read the very first chapter, I somehow couldn’t make connections to what is it exactly trying to say and where is it connecting to my life? I was unable to probably think of a solution to any of my problems. Our guruji Mr. Gagan Gupta, his examples for each of the verses were so helpful to understand each word along with a bit knowledge of Sanskrit, again something I really wished to learn. The great interest that he shared his personal experiences by making a connection to what Gita says. I always believe in God and praying as the most blissful way to connect with God. In one the sessions, guruji spoke about How important it is to pray and what to pray for. He mentioned prayers are one of the deeds that control our Adhrisyam (for things you cannot see coming forth). It is also important that while you pray give heartfelt thanks for every situation that life brings you in. Be in charge for the actions you take. For there are many Punyas that will be deposited in your account.

Some takeaways that I have learned from these sessions:

  1. Knowing the actual meaning of Karma and Dharma.
  2. Knowing about your self- worth, self-growth and self-acceptance.
  3. Understanding that your desires are a privilege.
  4. Pray for others by being a helping hand to them. (I always count my blessings, by doing so it multiplies and comes to you in abundance)
  5. Acknowledge your limitations.
  6. The universe itself is a conscious being. (Akash, Vayu, Jal, Agni, Prithvi)
  7. Meditation is a method which helps us to bring peace within mind, body, and soul.
  8. To be in harmony with self and the universal law.

Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Guruji, to bring Gita in a pleasant way that helped me crystallize my thoughts.

The Bhagwad Gita Classes- a treasure for a lifetime!




What struck my mind that I chose Bhagwat Gita class, was of learning something which my grandparents always wanted me to do. I knew I was not a person who would hold such exemplary books in hand because the language terrified me a lot, as hardly I could understand it. This opportunity was something I was sure to bank on that I would learn something with some guidance and support of the other group members. However, it’s been a good experience learning about the true essence of the shlokas and verses written in the Gita. Sharing my learning from few of the sessions that I’ve attended.


Understanding the verses written in ‘Gita Dhyanam’ was enlightening. Below, I’m sharing my understanding about the same. (Although, I couldn’t understand all of it, but giving it a try is better than giving up!! 🙂 ) Hope you would gain some insight by reading it!!


Om paarthaaya pratibodhitaam bhagavataa naaraayanenaswayam,

Vyaasena grathitaam puraanamuninaa madhye mahaabhaaratam;

Advaitaamritavarshineem bhagavateem ashtaadashaa dhyaayineem,

Amba twaam anusandadhaami bhagavadgeete bhavadweshineem.

What I understand – 

Bhagavad Gita taught Arjuna, by Lord Narayana himself, written in the middle of the Mahabharata by the Old Sage Vyasa. The Divine mother, who showers cure of Advaita on us, who is the mother of 18 chapters, I meditate to you, O Bhagavad gita, the destroyer of illusion of manifestation. (Sansar)


Namostu te vyaasa vishaalabuddhe phullaaravindaayatapatranetra;

Yena twayaa bhaaratatailapoornah prajwaalito jnaanamayah pradeepah.

What I understand – 

This is a tribute to Vyasa (the author/ scribe), one with the great intellect, with eyes like the fully blossomed lotus. Through whom, the lamp of knowledge, filled with the oil of the Mahabharata, has been lighted!

Prapannapaarijaataaya totravetraikapaanaye;

Jnaanamudraaya krishnaaya geetaamritaduhe namah.

What I understand – 

Salutations to Lord Krishna, the Parijata (It is said that this plant was bought by Shri Krishna himself on  the Earth from the heaven) or the bestower of all desires, for those who take refuge in Him, the holder of the whip in one hand, the holder of the symbol of divine knowledge and the milker of the divine nectar of the Bhagavad Gita!

Mookam karoti vaachaalam pangum langhayate girim;

Yatkripaa tamaham vande paramaanandamaadhavam.

What I understand – 

I bow down to Shri Krishna, the source of all joy and Supreme bliss, whose Grace makes the dumb eloquent and the cripple cross mountains!

I gained more knowledge about material, time, karma, etc. The cosmic manifestation is full of different activities and all living beings are engaged in them. From this sacred epic, we must all learn what God is, what living entities are, what prakriti is, what is cosmic manifestation, how it is controlled by time and what activities of the living entities are.  As Lord Krishna says, “This material nature is working under My direction.” Whenever we see wonderful things happening in the cosmic nature, we should know that behind this cosmic manifestation there is a controller. Nothing can be manifested without being controlled. It is childish not to consider the controller. For instance, a child may consider an automobile working on it’s own quite wonderful, i.e. without the help of an animal like horse/cow, but only a sane man knows the nature of automobile’s engineering arrangement and the reason behind it’s smooth working. Similarly, we are trying to control nature, as we are presently controlling space and planets, but we should know that we are not the Supreme controller, and this has been very well explained in the Bhagwat Gita.

All thanks to Mr. Gagan Gupta for sharing his immense knowledge with us and making us long for learning more and more about this amazing script, that can be applied to life however which is difficult. 🙂

Learning Freedom Through The Bhagavad Gita!!

The Bhagavad Gita sessions has a profound influence on me. I am glad that I chose to be the part of Bhagavad Gita Life Classes. I am truly grateful to Guruji Gagan Gupta for making available the life transforming teaching of Bhagavad Gita in such a lucid & easy style. Before attending the sessions I was thinking whether this will help me or I should quit. But now I can say that there were many questions in the mind about the life, about the self which were answered during the sessions.

Bhagavad Gita is the essence of Vedas and Upanishads. It is the book with sublime thoughts and practical instructions on Yoga, Devotion, Vedanta and Action. It not only teaches the purpose of human life, but also describes the way to achieve the same.

Few takeaways:

1) Desires come and go: Desires come and go, but one should remain abstract simply watching and enjoying their life. Everyone experiences desires, but one should not be moved by them. They should not bother a person. People sometimes undertake really evil actions because of their desires.

2) We should do hard work without worrying about the results: ‘Karm karo, phal ki chinta mat karo’ is the wisest message the Bhagwad Gita gave me. Today, we are working only for money, a better house, a car, and for a secure future. We are so goal-driven, that we do everything only on thinking about the results. For also work extra hours during our appraisal time, thinking that our bosses will rate us highly on our performance evaluation. This is something we need to avoid. Only because, if expectations are not met, pain is inevitable. Therefore, keep working and don’t expect anything in return. When we work for getting the result from a particular action, we can’t really be our best in it. It also gives us a lot of worries about the result. We may also feel disheartened if our task or action does not yield good outputs. Therefore, just doing our work without really thinking about it’s result should be our motive.

3) When meditation is mastered, the mind is steady like the flame of a lamp: I used to consider meditation boring. Who can sit still with their eyes closed and without vile thoughts? But we truly need to take out a few minutes from our busy schedules and sit in dhyana to attain inner peace. Whether it’s a quiet corner of our cosy home, or just a secluded spit in office, closing your eyes and sitting in peace will give you immense peace of mind.

One can realize in one’s own self, while going deep inside, as if all doubts are clarified and no darkness left. These were some of the major learnings during the sessions of Bhagavad Gita. I can’t express more than this in my words.

Bhumika Manglani

Life Lessons

Myriad of learning took place in the sessions, which has left me to reckon upon my way of leading life.
Undoubtedly, the sessions are enlightening and the best part of it is that it is not based on religious beliefs, instead it reveals the path to the lost/disorient, provides clarity to lead a happy life and teaches wisdom. Connecting with the learnings becomes easy and smooth due to the real-life stories shared by Sir.

Juggle between ‘Dwesha – द्वेश’ and ‘Ragaa- रगा’

Ragaa – What I want to have or happen
Dwesha (Hatred/anger) – Anything that I dont want to  want to have or happen

Aforementioned are the binding desires, which if not fulfilled one gets upset. We tend to entangle ourselves in these desires and give away our happiness. It means if desires are not fulfilled than I’m not happy. The solution is to take over the control of these desires, don’t let it sway your happiness.

~ Remember, we can only control actions and not the results. It is taken care off by laws.
~ Need to have sameness with respect to result.
~ The idealistic approach is to take results as ‘Prasad.’
Change in attitude will change the view of life.

But the question is how to decide the correct action? For that, we need to expertise in selecting/understanding appropriate and inappropriate action, ie. Karmas.

Dharma and Karma two sides of the same coin

Dharma says that we, human beings are privileged and are inherent with the understanding of what is right and wrong. Hence, whenever we choose a wrong path or get inclined towards misdeeds/ unethical work, basically we are going against our inner soul, which results into guilt. Unaware of what’s happening, we continue moving on the same road which has its repercussions in our life.

‘Karma’ – One needs to be mindful of it. As per the saying – ‘What goes around, comes around.’ Believe it or not, but its the fact/truth about life. Whatever pain or unacceptable things occur in our life, are the results of our previous karmas.

Hence, one should follow the Dharma, if you want to walk in the flowery path. It can be simply defined as – ‘TO BE DONE’ Whether it is working in the office or at home, the task which we are responsible to do it, needs to be done without any kind adulteration/cheating. Following Dharma, will help you raise your self-esteem, due to which you’ll feel pride and might not need appreciation from others.

Emotional security-
We need to pull ourselves and feel secured emotionally, it should not base on relationship or work. Emotional maturity is the dire need in today’s life, our happiness should not be dependent on others. Security should only be centred on self. Love and Compassion begins with yourself. It’s fine to be little selfish

~ Live life intelligently – Set bigger goals, enjoy every moment instead of cribbing about small things. Life is a series of small situations. We get into the intricacy of small things, while we should always focus on the bigger target. Try to let go and focus on the goal of happiness.

Change game:

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – Jimmy Dean

We always try to change others thinking it is for their benefit, but in reality, it is for us, to make our life easy. Instead of changing others, we should try and adjust. Especially when it comes to changing elders, it’s very difficult to change oneself/ beliefs in old age. Hence, it is always better to change oneself and strive hard to maintain peace.

To conclude, I understand that it’s a long journey, from my end I’ll put strenuous efforts to reach the vantage point. I will try to deploy the learnings to the fullest, especially accepting the way we are and being more mindful of binding desires- Dwesha and Ragaa. Instead of cribbing about the results, taking learning from it and moving ahead.


Essence of Bhagavad Gita.

Bhagavad Gita has multiple translations and varied interpretations, however comprehending it’s content within the context of existing era is itself a challenge.But we are blessed enough to receive  the privilege  and an opportunity to be a part of the value laden and knowledge driven sessions led by Guruji who facilitates the participants foresee the true meaning of Bhagavad Gita through his teachings which ensures the essence of Gita is transferable to 21st century .

I am highly obliged  and offer my sincere gratitude to Guruji who willingly and selflessly have accepted to enlighten the ignorant souls like me.

Learnings from Bhagavad Gita:

The end result , outcomes are always uncertain and unpredictable but needless to say these outcomes are determined by and is taken care of by the laws of nature.Human being hardly have any say when it comes to the results but surely it is in perfect adherence and alignment with laws of Karma.

However the ability to determine the appropriateness and an inappropriateness of an action is solely at an individual’s discretion. This knowledge of discriminating against the do’s and don’t s need not be taught . It is a self discovery which one needs to dig in as the course of life progresses..

Raga and Dvesha  refers to what I want and what I don’t want respectively.

When the above two forces manifests themselves it ultimately drives the emotions of an individual.Raga and Dvesha controls the actions of human beings which serves as an obstacle to live one’s life with a free will.

Thus to be happy, relaxed and maintain one’s composure we need to detach ourselves from manifestations of Raga and Dvesha. There is an inner thrust to fulfill one’s desire which overpowers the action dictated by Dharma when Raga and Dvesha becomes the controlling entity.

Dharma means an act or knowledge which will help us help us chalk down the correct path or selecting an appropriate action.

How would we know whether the path we have selected is appropriate or not?

Well if our actions hurt someone either physically or emotionally then surely we need to rethink about the action chosen.

Simply stating an act which does not bring discomfort to a human being in any which form is considered as “Dharma”. Surely the path of Dharma is easy to dictate and theorize upon,but it is extremely difficult to implement.

Here comes the words of wisdom and truth , following dharma the advantages and the  benefits will accrue to you in the form of the Punya’s which will be the leading cause of all the comfort, happiness and satisfaction one might experience during the course of life.

On the flip side of it the biggest disadvantage of not following Dharma is in the form of a split which sort of hosts permanently within us.This split originates because we being humans are well versed with an acceptable course of actions versus a contradictory path which we have opted temporarily.The knower and the doer contradicts each other and hence there is a split circumnavigating us which becomes the real cause of self condemnation and guilt .

“Ishwara ” is the unlimited subconscious being . The material and the the product seems inseparable. The giver is no different than giving. there is no space separating a giver and giving . Thus Ishwara concludes to  “One unlimited conscious being”.

Hindu Mythology depicts an excellent analogies in the form of graphical representations for e.g image of Nataraja describes  Ishwara in the dance form which reveals or discloses the secret that everything in this universe is continuously moving , nothing is at a standstill . Everything is in motion. The horizontal arrangement of hairs depicts the speed of dancing which dictates the Dharma with Ishwara being invisible.

Ravana represented as an individual with 10 heads again depicts one excellent analogy. His 10 heads signifies 10 distinct contradictory personalities.Imagine an inner conflict one may experience when one needs to interact with 10 opposing personalities.

One more profound learning from Gita sessions:

Dismissing a person entirely by labeling him/her with a negative connotation will render him/her irrevocable. Thus never label a person with a synonym which invites humiliation e.g rather than addressing someone as criminal , we can describe him as being habituated to crime or he is given to crime. Change of words will surely imbibe change of thinking as well.

Thus it is extremely crucial to select one’s words with due care and wisdom . Once I read somewhere the rationale behind why Lord Krishna adores flute as his musical instrument?

The answer being as per him flute always generates pleasant sound . The sound waves originating from flute is soothing and makes the surrounding environment light and peaceful.The conclusion which Lord Krishna wants to convey is , where not necessary hardly utter a word and when it mandates it should be pleasant ,constructive and meaningful.

Thus change of words will definitely drive change of thoughts.

Another significant learning from Geeta sessions :

An individual always needs to identify a larger goal in life which will help him/her mull over the failures of the short term goals and will also protect him/her  from being affected by an external entity , to explain this vividly we can consider an analogy of a giant elephant , it hardly bothers itself by the micro flies which hovers around it’s body.

Punya when accrues to you it benefits you in multiple forms.We human beings are blessed, empowered and do hold the capability to attract Punya during the course of life.

We can gain punya by resorting to two means:

1) By reaching out to others, always provide a helping hand to those who need it the most 2) Prayers.

Chanting Mantras will allow an individual to lead his/her life as per the free will.

Learning from Gita needs to be implemented in regular life , rather than making multiple resolutions and landing up justifying neither of them , I would like to make a unique resolution for myself and will surely thrive hard to accomplish my sankalp.

Resolution (Sankalp).

1) From now on I will be extremely careful while communicating with my students and my peers, especially my students. At times I lose my calm my students  do not adhere to the routines and procedures or when they don’t feel like respecting and paying heed to the content delivered during the classes. I do get furious at them. I don’t have any right to hurt them in any ways. I need to identify an alternate strategy to ensure their focused and an active participation in all the upcoming sessions , disrespecting them in any which ways and reprimanding  them every now and then seems  “NOT ACCEPTABLE AT ALL”.

Thanks and Regards,

kinjal Morakhia.




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