Walking past the crossroad of life with confidence

As we come to the end of the Love class for 2017-18, it gives me immense joy to share the learning I’ve imbibed over time through this platform.

The name “LOVE CLASS” is much more than a “class” to me. It is an amalgamation of a lot of valuable learning which I shall reflect on over my lifetime. Most of us are fortunate to have had this opportunity at a very appropriate stage of our life.

In the later half of these classes, we’ve gained an insight into important phases/skills of life such as:

  • MARRIAGE- The 7 promises of marriage became much more engaging with sharing of personal examples by each of us
  • The art of forgiveness-The video showcasing the life of the holocaust twin experiment survivor, Ms. Eva Mozes Kor, swept the ground off our feet; She is an epitome of “forgiveness and magnanimity of heart”
  • We learnt that,“The greatest power we have as humans is the power to forgive others!”
  • The tools such as writing a forgiveness letter to a person whom we want to forgive, and bear no personal grudges for, proved effective for most of us
  • Parenting and its challenges- The discussion about our paradigms about parenting, and the significance of updating it in the context of the current generation, was truly worthwhile
  • The real life experiences shared by each of the members and the facilitators, was at the core of the whole workshop!

This is just an attempt to summarize the learning in a nutshell, though, it takes a lifetime to practically understand and exercise such skills.

Nevertheless,”Thank you FS!” for providing us with such opportunities where we are equipped to take the first step in this direction!

Special thanks to our coordinators, Nandini ma’am and Priyanka ma’am for their valuable time and efforts! 🙂





Reflection – Life Classes

I really appreciate Fountainhead School to make us learn 7 habits which is very useful in our personal and professional life.The principles are easy to understand but difficult to apply and practice. I have learned a lot in this classes and tried to implement in real life.

Over a year I have laughed, made more friends at workplace for first time and wanted to be connected with them. I have also become responsible for my health and well-being.

I would like to thank the facilitators Tasnim Ma’am and Mitali Ma’am for motivating and guiding us through out the classes.

Overall, it was a good experience !!!



Life Learning Experience…..!!!

The day I saw the book ” The 7 habits of highly effective people”, my first reaction was like, Oh No! Do I have to read all these pages !! But, when the classes began, it was really an amazing experience. We laughed, we cried, we shared our life experiences.

Whenever we were informed to watched movies, I always thought that this movie is watched by everyone, why is it been shown again!!! But, believe me whenever I watched the movie, the movie was same, the characters and dialogues were same, but the only thing different was my perspective to watch the same movie from a different angle.

These classes were really helpful not only professionally but personally. Many of my paradigms have shifted which has changed my way of living totally. There were moments where we wrote sorry and thank you letters to our loved ones. It was really a wonderful experience. I still remember the death exercise when the all the members had tears in their eyes but it had such a positive impact on my life, where I always think about the end in my mind before initiating anything.

Shraddha Ma’am and Ravindra Sir brought life to classes. Thank you so much for enlightening our learning and providing us the opportunity to attend such classes. The moments lived in these classes will always be cherished by me.


Overall It was AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE….!!!!

Lifelong learning lessons

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” Well said by Mr. Henry Ford.

After attending the Life class I have got the different lenses to think about life. I have started to think critically.

There is much to be learned and it is all what life classes has brought in me and the aspects of my life. Personally, I can apply many of the material it describes, into my life.

I am eagerly waiting to explore and discover how we will analyse the seven habits and apply them in various ways in our lives!

Also want to thank the brilliant facilitators, whenever I have attended their session they are always ready with something new which is the best part of it.

Thank you!


Harsh Vaghela


Bhagwat Gita Reflection

Krishna ; Is always been close to my heart from childhood. I was not having any reason why; but now if I look into my affection towards him I found many according to my age. In childhood I enjoyed his playfulness as child and his mischiefs. Then in young age his stories about radha and meera and other part of his youth.

But actually I start having him as an idol when I started reading about him written by other authors. Then finally one day I hold Gita and started reading it. Everybody who have written about him have their own version of Krishna (I also have one) It says if you read Gita and all your question will be answered, it’s TRUE.


Here in Gita classes I have started exploring about him in one different aspects. I like and enjoy these classes as it involve the authenticity of original Gita and it’s Shloka. Also chanting it in Sanskrit with actual pronunciation is also one of the most powerful impact.


Day:1 we have talked about three shakti “ Ichchha Shakti, Kriya Shakti and Gyan Shakti “. According to me when I look into it closely, it says we have to have balance between all three. If any of those can be empower one another we lose balance and overpowering any of those shakti can lead us to be more demanding from our life and create pain and anger. Which was next topic of the day “pain and root of pain which is anger”. I can relate to it so closely as I am working on it from long time. It is difficult but once you are able to see your anger you can try to look into it and figure out the cause of it. Then it will be easy to find out from where it is coming. Once I know the root of my anger I just watch it, what is coming? why it is happening? Is it worth to give much energy or attention? I always get my answer that “my peace is more important then my anger”.


Day:2 here we go “Expectation” this was the topic and it was a really good learning examples. As I was already working on myself this was the most challenging area, because everything comes with expectations. In your life all you have is expectations, ether it’s yours or it is from you. Holding your expectations and moving further required lot of efforts, it appears without you knowing it. No exception state according to me is very higher state of being which required enlightenment. But of course I can try to drop my expectation where and when I can.


Day:3-4 I was absent as I have gone for CAS trip so missed those classes and Day:5 I was absent.


Day:6 we have talked about Artha which is about our desire of wealth and Kama is connected with Raga, Dwesha etc. Yes we all know what is right and what should be done but we do not take right decisions on right time and then it becomes our Karma. Ultimately we end up getting result of what we have chosen as our Karma and it was described very briefly and so well in Gita. We can also connect our Karma with expectation part and introspect about how we do everything out of expectation. I am on the line of understanding and which also been discussed that first love yourself, Do good with you, Don’t torture yourself to prove something, Be happy and once you start practicing this you automatically reflecting same with others.

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