Walking past the crossroad of life with confidence

As we come to the end of the Love class for 2017-18, it gives me immense joy to share the learning I’ve imbibed over time through this platform.

The name “LOVE CLASS” is much more than a “class” to me. It is an amalgamation of a lot of valuable learning which I shall reflect on over my lifetime. Most of us are fortunate to have had this opportunity at a very appropriate stage of our life.

In the later half of these classes, we’ve gained an insight into important phases/skills of life such as:

  • MARRIAGE- The 7 promises of marriage became much more engaging with sharing of personal examples by each of us
  • The art of forgiveness-The video showcasing the life of the holocaust twin experiment survivor, Ms. Eva Mozes Kor, swept the ground off our feet; She is an epitome of “forgiveness and magnanimity of heart”
  • We learnt that,“The greatest power we have as humans is the power to forgive others!”
  • The tools such as writing a forgiveness letter to a person whom we want to forgive, and bear no personal grudges for, proved effective for most of us
  • Parenting and its challenges- The discussion about our paradigms about parenting, and the significance of updating it in the context of the current generation, was truly worthwhile
  • The real life experiences shared by each of the members and the facilitators, was at the core of the whole workshop!

This is just an attempt to summarize the learning in a nutshell, though, it takes a lifetime to practically understand and exercise such skills.

Nevertheless,”Thank you FS!” for providing us with such opportunities where we are equipped to take the first step in this direction!

Special thanks to our coordinators, Nandini ma’am and Priyanka ma’am for their valuable time and efforts! 🙂





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