Life Classes(Love class) – Day 7 & 8

The Life Classes on respect, love, and communication have provided us with invaluable insights into the core principles that sustain healthy and fulfilling relationships. We have learned that respect is the foundation upon which trust and mutual understanding are built, while love is a continuous action that nurtures and strengthens the bond between individuals. Moreover, communication stands as the bridge that connects hearts and minds, ensuring that both partners feel heard, valued, and supported.

These lessons have not only deepened our understanding of relationships but also empowered us to apply these principles in our own lives. By fostering respect, nurturing love, and practicing effective communication, we can create lasting and meaningful connections that thrive on mutual care and understanding.

Love Class

Life classes have profoundly reshaped my understanding of emotions, love, and growth. The idea that “things that hurt, instruct” struck a deep chord with me, transforming how I view challenges. Embracing pain as a teacher has helped me see obstacles as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks. The Love class was especially moving, exploring the depth of love and its connection to vulnerability and sacrifice. Hearing diverse stories about love expanded my perspective, turning the session into a heartfelt and enriching experience. A heartfelt thanks to the facilitators for their wisdom, creating a space for reflection, connection, and transformation.

Emotions: An inevitable part of living

“I don’t ever want to feel sad…”

What a wishful thinking, I reckon.

It wasn’t too long ago that I realised not wanting to feel an emotion is never a ‘good’ option. As a bandaid option, yes, sounds great. However, will that feeling come back to haunt you sometime later in life, in a different setting, in a different way?
Probably yes.

How do you deal with a wind-whirl of feelings and emotions that come hitting you across your face, with an increasing pain in your stomach that doesn’t resemble butterflies anymore, and an aching, sharp, deafening sound that leaves you hearing your own heartbeat?
It sounds scary and overwhelming.

From these life classes, I take back one thing – ways to manage my emotions: Acceptance.

Acceptance comes in various forms – maybe in search of truth, maybe through the learnings of Buddha, or maybe through therapy.

My form is acceptance?

When discussing these unsettling emotions, I have a nerve to discuss something pleasant (my way to deal with discomfort, I guess?). Love, no? I mean, the two days of life classes were dedicated to this very emotion. Love in every form – be it familial, platonic or romantic. However, something I really enjoyed was knowing what this particular class has done crazy in love. There’s something mischievous, flirty and innocent in sharing what each of us has done to express the extent of love we feel.

Abrupt ending – thanks.

LIfe Classes – Day 5 & 6

A Question I Am Left With After This Life Class:

Many of us are familiar with the age-old phrase, “Ignorance is bliss,” but is ignorance really bliss? I found this excerpt from the book particularly thought-provoking: “What makes life difficult is that the process of confronting and solving problems is a painful one.” The key, I think, is becoming aware of that pain—acknowledging it, making space for it in our lives, and spending time getting to know it. This is what makes the difference. Once we become familiar with that pain in a way that allows us not to hold on to it, we set ourselves free and transcend it.

Another moment that stood out to me was the activity we did on the second day of the Love class. It was incredibly wholesome to hear everyone’s stories about what love means to them. It was truly enjoyable. A big thank you to our facilitators for their time, energy, and infectious enthusiasm.

7 Habits & Love (Dazzling Delta)

The session was very insightful as we tend to overlook the problems we have in our lives related to our social circle. We make relations with other beings as humans (a social animal) and each relation consists of a specific emotion (kind of love). Many times when things go wrong we are unable to figure out the problem due to some reasons, such as being unable to identify the problem, find a solution, find common ground, etc. Love class taught us to identify such pain and problems and categorize it, we learned about the stages of love and marriage (applicable to the other aspects of life as well). We also connected all the learnings with our life experiences (by sharing), all thanks to Delta group and our facilitators (Wilmot sir & Utsav Sir).

Wonderful Journey of Love.

What is Love? Love..seems everybody have their own definition for it.
Love is too large ,too deep to understand.Love is never incomplete because it doesn’t require two individuals, it requires just one. When I join love class I came to know that  love is not the enjoyment of love ones but the growth of individuals. I came to know the different definitions of love like elements of Love , Responsibility, Respect ,Knowledge and Care. I got the knowledge of principles of marriage like Friendship,equality ,commitment. Eight stages of Love, Parenting, Forgiveness and many more priceless things.
I am thankful to Ritu ma’am and Bhumika ma’am for being  great facilitators and good friends.
Lastly Love is one of the most profound emotions we experience as humans. It’s bigger than us, meaning, though we can invite it into our lives, we do not have the control over the how, when and where love starts to express itself.

लव क्लास का एक खूबसूरत सफ़र

प्यार, आखिर ये प्यार होता क्या है ? प्यार की परिभाषा क्या है ? लव क्लास में अब हम लव के बारे में और क्या सीखेंगे ? ऐसे ही ना जाने कितने ही प्रश्न लव क्लास शुरू होने से पहले मेरे मन में थे | मैं प्रिय गुरु महोदया रितु चौपड़ा और महोदया भूमिका परमार जी का आभार प्रकट करना चाहती हूँ कि उन्होंने ऐसे अनगिनत प्रश्नों के उत्तर खोजने में अपना मार्गदर्शन प्रदान किया |मैं अपनी लव क्लास के सभी सदस्यों की भी शुक्रगुजार हूँ, जिनके अनुभवों से मैंने बहुत कुछ सीखा | इस लव क्लास के सफ़र में मैंने बहुत कुछ सीखा जैसे कि –
– प्यार स्वयं की और किसी अन्य की आध्यात्मिक वृद्धि है |
– अपने बच्चों की परवरिश में किन बातों का ध्यान रखना है |हम अपने बच्चों के मालिक नहीं है |ध्यान रखें “वह तुम्हारे माध्यम से आया, तुम्हारे लिए नहीं।”
– मैंने प्यार के विभिन्न चरणों के बारे में जाना जिनसे हम अपने जीवन में होकर गुजरते है । प्यार एक बहुत ही सुन्दर एहसास है, जिसे महसूस करने के लिए हम किसी पर निर्भर नहीं है ।
– खुद को माफ़ करना और दूसरो को माफ़ करना |

“ये लाइफ क्लास बहुत कुछ सिखाती है, कभी हँसती तो कभी रुलाती है ; पर ये हमें हर हाल में खुश रहना सिखाती है |”

मैं लव क्लास की सीख को अपने जीवन में अमल में लेन के लिए हमेशा प्रयासरत रहूँगी,क्योंकि ये एक सतत प्रक्रिया है |

Love Class (Delta)

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”
― John Joseph Powell, The Secret of Staying in Love

Though the above quote expresses a deep sense of love for a fellow human being, I can dedicate it to our compassionate facilitators Bhumika ma’am and Ritu ma’am. It’s not an exaggeration to say that they both have helped us to become a better human being and understand the true meaning of love. The list of learning is too long and the insights acquired during the nine sessions of love class were life changing and eye opening indeed. We all explored the emotions of love with so many dimensions and angles and tried to analyse this complicated emotion critically. As a team too, we all had a deep sense of respect and understanding for each other which was given due patronage by our facilitators.

I can still remember the roller coaster of emotions which we all expressed during these classes. We all laughed and cried together and shared our life and love stories together and the best part is that no one judged anyone. The outcome of these classes go beyond the theoretical aspect and deserve to be implemented in our real lives. The domain of the love class not only covered romantic love but also catered to other relations we share in our life including parental and marital. The icing on the cake was the forgiveness letter we wrote along with other interesting activities and the movie sessions.

In a nutshell, I can say that the objective achieved through these classes went way beyond my expectations and is a lifelong lesson. I also want to express my sincere gratitude towards my facilitators who mentored us with utmost dedication and enthusiasm and had no qualms to share their personal and real-life examples to make us understand the situation better.

લવ ક્લાસ : “ભણી બધું જ લીધું ,હવે શીખવાનો વારો !”

પેહલા હું વિચારતો, કેમ લવ ક્લાસ! શું બધાને પ્રેમ કરતા નથી આવડતું? ખરેખર તોહ આપણે બધા આ ટોપિક પર એક્સપર્ટ છીએ! લવ કલાસિસના ૯ સેશન પછી સમજ્હ્યો કે લવ એ કોઈ ફીલિંગ નથી, પણ એક ક્રિયા છે. આ વાસ્તવિક ક્રિયાને હરહમેશ મનન અને ચિંતન કરવું જ પડે. ”

“Love is a free exercise choice. Two people love each other only when they are quite capable of living without each other but choose to live with each other.”
– Scott Peck

“પ્રેમ એ સ્વીકૃત પસંદગી છે. બે વ્યક્તિઓ એકબીજાત્યારે જ પ્રેમને આપી શકે જયારે તે બંને એકબીજા વગર પણ જીવવા માટે સક્ષમ હોઈ પરંતુ તે બંને એ જોડે રહીને જીવવાનું પસંદ કર્યું હોઈ.”
– સ્કોટ પેક

તથ્યો જે સમજવા મળ્યા :

– રોમેન્ટિક લવ એક મિથ્યા છે! (સ્વીકારવું સહેલું નહોતું!)
– જ્યાં સુધી પોતાની જાતને પ્રેમ નહિ કરું , હું કોઈને પ્રેમ નહિ આપી શકું.
– ખાતર અને બિયારણની જેમ “પ્રેમ” બે સંબંધોને વધારે સૌમ્ય , કુશળ અને સમૃદ્ધ બનાવવો જોઈએ.
– માફીનામું હંમેશા આંતરિક અને નીરવ શાંતિ અર્પે છે. (અનુભવ્યું પણ)
– તમે તમારા બાળક ના અધિપતિ નથી, (બનવું પણ નહિ) બાળક તમારા દ્વારા આવ્યું છે. તમારા માટે નહિ!

મારા લવ ક્લાસ ગ્રુપનો ખુબ ખુબ આભાર એકબીજાના પ્રતિબિંબો એકબીજાની સમક્ષ ઉજાગર કરવા માટે. અમે જોડે હસ્યા, જોડે જ રડયા, ભૂતકાળને વાગોળ્યો, વર્તમાનને પંપાળ્યો. આ બધી ક્રિયાઓ વચ્ચે બે વ્યક્તિત્વોને અમને માધુર્યથી બાંધ્યા. હા, અમારા લવ કલાસિસને ખુબ સરળ અને અર્ધ્ય બનાવનાર ભૂમિકા પરમાર મેડમ તેમ જ રીતુ ચોપરા મેડમ નો હું ખુબ ખુબ આભારી છું. મારી શીખેલી વાતોને જિંદગીમાં અપનાવતા હંમેશા હું આપ બંનેને ચોક્કસ યાદ કરીશ.



Love class- The wonderful journey to experience

I really thank you Bhumika ma’am and Ritu ma’am for making me understand the actual meaning of Love. As per my understanding love was just a lovy-dovy feeling, emotions, caring, etc. but after Love class, I have a change in my perspective.
 Love is not just feeling but its an action, understanding, sacrifice, forgiving, caring, respect for every person.

I also learned that Love is not only about loving others but also about loving ourselves. Once we start loving ourselves we will feel happy and we will automatically shower love on others. Loving ourselves will also help us to maintain our relationships with family and friends.
It was a wonderful workshop which is going to help me a lot in many phases of my life. The best part of the workshop was a parenting topic which helped me a lot to manage my life with my baby and to make a strong bond with my child too. The great journey came to an end with lots of learning and things to take away with me. I thoroughly enjoyed all the sessions of Love class and made myself a changeable person. Thank you once again for it.
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