A few thoughts on Love classes for Support Staff in Feb 2016

Last 2 days of Love classes with the support staff were full of surprising experiences. We talked about forgiveness at length screened the movie “Bachna Ae Haseeno” for the participants. All the participants, especially the didis, came up with some interesting reflections on the movie. Some of them were also surprised us by bringing up some brilliant examples. We also decided that one the second day we will be writing a forgiveness letter and an apology letter.

As decided, the participants were given time to write the two letters. It was such an amazing sight to see all of them quietly engrossed in writing the letters. Some of them also shared the contents of their letters with us. This clearly indicated the kind of understanding that they had developed. A few of them expressed that it made them attain inner peace and also promised to actually hand over the letters for whom they were written.

One of the things observed during these classes is that it would be really incredible if all the “bhaiyaas” (male support staff) also display a higher amount of interest and enthusiasm for these classes. However, a few of them came up with really commendable amount of sharing. All the didis enthusiastically participated in and reflected upon most activities.

Facilitating this classes has enhanced the learning of we as facilitators as well and has acted as a reinforcement of the learning. So much so that two of the facilitators actually landed up writing a forgiveness letter one more time.

All the participants got transformed into children when we made them play the game “Satodi” after a really heavy session. They thoroughly enjoyed it and were seen fighting, cheating, giggling and laughing like children. They mentioned that it brought back their childhood memories.

Priti Pimpalkhare
Vaidehi Sethji
Rucha Kinariwala
Anwer Hans
Mitesh Patel

Forgiving is an art and an act!

Hello all,

This is my 3rd blog- feeling happy:)

In this blog I am sharing my understanding and experience about Forgiving- it is divided into 2 segments- Forgive and Forget or Forget and Forgive!

Well, as said life is a series of problems and life is difficult, each individual come across situation which is painful, mixed emotions, not acceptable, etc.- the list goes on and varies from individual to individual.

In my life, I never actually understood the true essence of “Forgiving”. It’s for an instance if someone says “Sorry” to me my anger vanishes and inner feeling comes which is actually satisfying ego and making me feel good for the moment. Actually, it is not forgiving but the beginning step of judging the person and building paradigms- the root cause. According to the Life classes (and I too believe) learning internally being sorry/ apologize requires willpower, empathy, and courage to do it.

Forgiving is interconnected with Change- appreciating the change a person has undergone (for good), being empathetic (boundaries are always there), helping the person to grow, not to impose my perspective but analyzing the situation and giving feedback/ suggestion, clarifying expectations, and the art of listening.

Forgive and Forget OR Forget and Forgive- Well, after undergoing change which is a decision the mind becomes calm as acceptance is there. So forgiving the person will heal the pain and to forget whatever act has happened is a step towards mental peace.

Now what will happen? Well, as said I had first applied the principle of Forgive and Forget and then gradually through deeper understanding moved towards Forget and Forgive which has transformed my way of approach/ understanding towards life- it is a very difficult step. So, it is a choice which is made by an individual.

Problems are big, small, painful, depressing- but the solution is I. If ‘I’ is firm then the intensity of the problem will surely diminish/resolved.

“The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next”– Mignon McLaughlin

Thank you!

“Mi Viaje”

My Journey

A walk through “Life classes”,

Ohh!! I remember the 7 habits.. 🙂

Learning the “Independence” through first 3,

And “Interdependence” through rest 3

Last but not the least was “Sharpen the saw”,

Which helps you to become ripe and polished from raw.

It was all about being courageous to say “No”,

Just say it! without regrets and don’t feel low.

The sessions of “Love” were indeed helpful for me,

Forgiving and asking for the same set me free.

I learnt about “Legitimate” and “Illegitimate” pain,

“Gratification” a feeling of internal happiness, to gain.

The stages of marriage and the definition of love,

I learnt to be committed and pure in my relations like a dove.

Integrity taught me “Be truthful to yourself”.

Death Exercise- “Death is a best teacher” by Stephen Covey.

Death Exercise

I have learnt from life classes- “Believe in yourself”. As rightly said- When the world says ‘give up’, hope whispers ‘try one more time’. (Anonymous)

Live in “Present”.


This was all about my journey as a learner which is still an ongoing process.

As a co-facilitator I would like to sum up with one line that is “The best way to learn is to teach”. The insights given by the enthusiastic participants of our group is helping me to learn as well as helping them to learn from the examples shared by the facilitator.

I am grateful to Iyer Sir and Vardan sir for giving me this opportunity to co-facilitate the workshop.

I am also thankful to Sheeba ma’am, Parag bhai, Ankita ma’am, Zahabiyah ma’am and Iyer sir for being my mentors throughout my journey of life classes.

Written by,

Disha Thakkar.

Sometimes it’s the smallest decision that can change your life forever! – Keri Russell

Hello all,

So, this is my 2nd post on this blog! Happy to share something new and for me it is a joy of sharing! 🙂

Thank you Ankita Ma’am for reading my 1st post and appreciating me for my write up!


Well, to begin with the quote,”Sometimes it’s the smallest decision that can change your life forever”- it has been connected and had played a vital role in my life.

Mostly everyone is aware that I had been a teacher (kindergarten level) – and have 8 years of experience (4 years in DPS and 4 years in Fountainhead school). When anyone asked me and gave me a feedback- I am a good teacher and children are very attached to me, change in their growth (values) it gave me motivation and happiness. Many a times I came across the word- “PASSION”- so teaching is your passion- Great! I never understood the difference though but said I love teaching and subconsciously accepted that Teaching is my Passion but truly to confess I by chance happened to enter into teaching Profession as it was never the goal in my life. 🙂

Moving ahead, during my teaching career I did my Reebok Certification- welcome to the world of Fitness 🙂 but still was teaching- began working part time by taking fitness class and all stuff- at this stage I was completely lost- still could not decide what exactly I want to do in my life!

Further going ahead in Fountainhead school gym started and at this point (i was under stress and depressing stage at that time) when I had communicated with Vardan Sir and Ankita ma’am and they asked me if I was interested at this post- (fitness trainer post). I agreed and undergone interview stage (I still remember I was a bit nervous as I didn’t knew what questions would be asked- theory and practical interview phase).

Then I realised FITNESS IS MY PASSION and now over a period of time I had transformed completely (for optimum).

I would like to share with all- At that stage (4.5 years back) I was not in a good shape (as a Fitness trainer)- I don’t hesitate to use such words because I’m okay with it and it had been the fact. Present scenario- Once I realised its my passion I am progressing and understanding further to help as many people to engage in any Physical Activity- sports, exercise, yoga, etc. and I learn when I listen to people who needs my help.

I had taken the decision to change my Profession later but I am proud of myself as I took decision.

Before taking this decision what I went through-

I asked few people suggestions over my decision-

People threatened me or made me aware of their thoughts (Primary thoughts)- (a)At this age I should think of marriage and earn income as its stagnant? (b)What after few years when I will grow old- I won’t be able to take class then what will I do? (c)The profession is not good for females as what if I get married and the opposite people (society) won’t like it? (d)If I work in gym males stare and pass cheap comments- It is not a respectful job!

What action I took- After listening to all this I understood that they are not able to understand my Passion and Willingness so I did what I felt is correct. And to my surprise these people are shocked to see me growing further (with RESPECT ELEMENT:). Also, after this included in my vision element- What will happen if I will grow old? I had planned for this and whatever I will do (Planning and Work under progress going on) it will be a CHANGE FACTOR! I had planned and work in progress going on.

I will end up saying that I had never planned anything in my life (Professional and Personal grounds) but the moment you are waiting for KNOCKS the door- Listen to it, Analyse it and move ahead. People always analyse the PASSION factor keeping in mind age, benefit, etc. I believe in even if one can go high (due to limitations which can’t be changed) but at least live a part of it by actually being in the process- IT WILL GIVE INTERNAL JOY AND HAPPINESS! 🙂 That’s my perspective and my way of approach.

So, thank you all for reading my post. New article in my upcoming next post.

Thank you!

My learning journey!

I’m sure that each of us, who has been a part of the life classes @ FS; must have seen some or the other transformations. Be it in their behaviour, mindset, personal or professional life , there’s something which has happened for good. Since years I’ve always believed in the power of positive thinking. Yet there were times when I used to feel helpless and quite low. The 7 habits classes helped me in identifying my circle of concerns and that of influence. It helped me to set my personal mission statement which indeed is work in progress still. But I’m glad to atleast consciously work upon that. The love classes worked like a wonder in my personal as well as professional life. More of acceptance and less of expectations keeps me calm and at peace with myself. The principles learnt in these classes are the key to live a meaningful and a content life. The sharing during the classes makes you think, you can make some connections with your personal life too. At times it gets difficult to accept that such things can really happen with someone. The courage that is shown by the participants is commendable. To be very honest, many of the times I’ve thanked god for blessing me with a less difficult life!!! But yes we know life is difficult, but the acceptance and the learning prepares you to deal with life; with courage, hope and believe.

And now is the time to be principled and work on those weakest points in me. That’s what integrity is all about! Though few simple things seem quite difficult as if I’ve no control on that. But having known that, I don’t give up. Because I ‘m responsible for my life and I ‘ve the ability to respond to the circumstances. I look forward to see yet more positive transformations in my as well as my colleagues’ life. I’m really grateful to god for giving me this wonderful opportunity which we all know as Fountainhead School !! It’s great to be a part of FS .Today I also take this opportunity to thank all my friends, facilitators and co-facilitators for guiding me through this learning journey.

Integrity learning : An act or a habit?

I had written what I thought I wanted to write in my notes ready to paste it here and post. But, somehow I didn’t do it. Is this what I wanted to write? No. Since many days I wanted to rewrite and post but nothing seemed to touch me. I cannot write if I don’t feel it. Moreover, the blood report had turned by world upside down. This was the report that  made me think again about life class and love class and those learnings. Sometimes, life gives you shock which is a blessing in disguise. All seven habits were swirling around me telling me to look back and introspect. So, it’s the right time for me to fill the “Reflection-Action-Paradigm” questions again and start working on it. A symptom identified earlier is a good prevention for future. And yes, integrity workshop is not a one time reflection and action. It is not a destination it is a process. It is not an isolated act but a life long habit.




Integrity classes – A challenge worth taking

Being a part of the life classes for all these years and especially attending Integrity for the past three years has made me more patient, a better listener, non-judgmental, empathetic and above all resilient.


This platform brings out the diversity as well as the core commonalities of individuals. We are all vulnerable, have our own fears, miseries, insecurities, complaints etc; which are manifested in different ways. But when you have a closer look we are all sailing in the same boat.


It’s not about how life treats us or what life gives us. It’s about what we want to make out of our own lives. This is a dais which brings us closer to reality, learn from each other, open up our lives to each other. There is a fear of being ridiculed, being judged, but in reality we all emerge as stronger individuals. Every participant gets to see his or her own life from a variety of perspectives.


There is always this apprehension that as a group; we may end up advising or misleading someone. But with the best intentions, we can surely avoid the worst. I read this somewhere – “It is more important to be of pure intention than of perfect action.” And this is what keeps us going.


Accepting that life is difficult but taking up the challenge with open hands opens makes life beautiful and worth living.


Life is difficult…

After attending the life classes, the most prominent change which I find in me is “The way I look at things now”. Initially, when I attended the life classes the only question in my mind was “How will the sharing done by others help me??”. Gradually, I started listening to others’ problems and how creatively they find the solutions for the same which made me more empathetic. Later, I realized that everyone has to face some or the other challenge in their life but the intensity and the way we respond to it varies. The principle “Bring life to the workshop and workshop to the life” worked miracles for me. I became more observant and even had many paradigm shifts. I have learnt to leave illegitimate pains which made my life easier and took a closer look at the legitimate ones with the thought “Those things that hurt, instruct”.

I am on the path to be self-disciplined by teaching myself to do the unnatural and transform my very own nature. It is extremely difficult, but life classes have taught me not to give up. I thank Zahabiah and Falguni ma’am for being my life class facilitators. Thank you Vardan sir for believing in me and developing the ‘YOU CAN’ attitude in me. I truly appreciate and value everything I have learnt from you.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to Parag bhai. You have been an excellent friend, teacher, mentor and a great inspiration for me. A true master !!

To conclude, I would say that life classes have a lot of things to teach and they are truly worth taking back to your life.

Life is difficult but NOT ALWAYS…!

Self-induced change….

“Life is complex.

Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another…The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It is a rocky path through the wilderness. ”

M. Scott Peck


And to follow this trail, tenacity is crucial. It is very significant that we do not begrudge our lives but possess the inner strength and wisdom to always polish our lives, learn everything we can where we are and develop the means by which to support our lives. We cannot make the gem inside our lives shine with easy going efforts.


Maslow said that less than 2% of human beings are truly growth-oriented; the vast majority are deficit-and-repair oriented—more interested in finding comfort.


I was no exception to it. Being part of life classes has helped me learn to respect my own life and appreciate my struggles.  I stopped escaping or detaching myself from struggles and started making conscious efforts to translate my learning into action. And, believe me, I was able to overcome and transform the causes of suffering in my life. The resultant was the self-induced change in my life. It helped me change the negative vision of my life fundamentally.


Listening to the participants facing hardships head-on, led me to imbue courage and hope in my own life. These one to one life interactions were the source of support and encouragement that helped me transform my feelings of inadequacy and weakness. I became more strong and compassionate and could expand my life state.  On the other hand, sharing my own struggles and experiences helped me unfold my life and look into the deeper aspects of my life.

We all can transform any negative circumstance into a source of growth and benefit. All we need to do is to courageously engage with the harsh realities of our lives and squarely confront our challenges.

I am truly grateful to one and all, and I want to continue developing my life, always continuing to cultivate inner hope.




My journey as a learner

The five principles of learning which we follow during our life classes are:

  1. Learning is a lifelong process.
  2. Bring life to workshop, and workshop to life.
  3. No one can teach you by force, you can only learn if you are willing.
  4. The best way to learn is to teach, and the best way to teach is to learn.
  5. You have to pay a price for learning.

These principles have added value to my life and have transformed me as a person. If I rewind my journey of Life classes, I can see a drastic change in me. I used to feel sharing life with people, whom you do not know personally makes no sense as they can just advice but can’t empathize. But, now I see things with a different perspective. In fact those people who were not a part of my life helped me deal with my problems effectively, not by advising but by helping me to find out the root cause of the problem.

When I took the decision to facilitate the workshop, I was apprehensive whether I will be able to do justice to the role. But, when I took up the challenge I realized the principle ‘The best way to learn is to teach, and the best way to teach is to learn’ really works.

I would like to thank Falguni ma’am, Zahabiyah ma’am, Vardan Sir, Mita ma’am and Parag Sir for being the facilitators, mentors and guides for this journey of learning.



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