Emotional Intelligence

This life class taught me the ability to monitor my own and others feelings and emotions. I was able to discriminate among them and learnt to become more optimistic and control my emotions.  The five domains of emotional Intelligence taught me to control my emotions in an organized manner. The POMODORO technique helped me focus the unfocused arenas in my life. I now strive to be more empathetic with my own self and others surrounding me. I also learnt how to make tough conversations facile and productive. All in all, it was indeed a splendid experience…as these 7 to 8 sessions of life classes thoroughly helped me become a better and a positive person.

I now feel I have the magic mantra to manage my emotional Intelligence….this would surely make my life awesome. I will never forget the learnings…would always strive to reiterate them and use my transfer skill to apply them in real life.



Emotional Intelligence Batch 3

Oh what a journey, what brainstormings, what jolly meetings!!
A tour to our smallest aspect of our mind, emotions and self well embraced and accepted. It was wonderful to participate and share our fears, explore our happiness and be a change in oneself. Cherry on the cake – A trip to old-age home gave me a reflection of how therapeutic it was to give back to the society we are in.
Thank you for the session BM and JC. Thank you participants for being a traveller with me.

Shivanie Jariwala.

Emotional Intelligence

It is equally important to understand the EQ the way we perceive IQ. I am thankful to Bhumika ma’am and Jayeeta ma’am for taking this workshop and sharing the insights from the book Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence is definitely going to help us when we have to manage our emotions in positive ways to relieve stress and when we have to communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence helps you to build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve your career and personal goals. Thank you fountainhead school for providing us with this opportunity.

Call for broadening our Umbrellas

Humanity is a religion most required for us and future generations. We need to be more open-minded towards each other so that this world becomes place where individuals with sensible logical brains co-exist heading towards betterment overall instead just worrying about me, my family, my community.

Training brain to think Critically only on required issues, is surely going to save lots of time and energy, keeping in mind that few times being ‘Emotional’ is OK!

EI: The key to life!

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as to perceive and respond appropriately to the emotions of others. It is a key component of success in both personal and professional relationships.

It involves 5 aspects namely empathy, self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, and motivation. Developing emotional intelligence can lead to better relationships, communication, and overall well-being. Self Awareness is one of the key aspects of EI This involves being able to recognize and understand one’s own emotions, as well as their impact on oneself and others. By practicing self-awareness, individuals can gain a greater sense of control over their emotions and make more deliberate choices about how to respond to different situations.

Emotional intelligence also involves the ability to regulate one’s emotions. This means being able to manage one’s emotions effectively, rather than being controlled by them. By developing emotional regulation skills, individuals can better cope with stress and other challenges, and maintain a more positive outlook on life. Overall, emotional intelligence is a valuable skillset for anyone to develop. It can help individuals to build stronger relationships, communicate more effectively, and navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and resilience.

Emotional Intelligence

The Key to Strong Relationships and Success

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize and manage emotions, both in oneself and others. This skill set is essential in both personal and professional settings and plays a crucial role in the way we interact with others.

Here are the most important points to keep in mind when it comes to emotional intelligence:

  1. EI is critical for successful relationships: People with high levels of emotional intelligence are better equipped to handle conflicts, build strong relationships, and communicate effectively with others.
  2. It can impact career success: Research has shown that individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence are more likely to be successful in their careers, perform better under stress, and lead more effectively.
  3. Self-reflection and empathy are key: Improving emotional intelligence requires effort and practice, including self-reflection, practicing empathy, active listening, managing one’s own emotions, and seeking feedback from others.
  4. Emotional intelligence can be developed: While some people may have a natural talent for emotional intelligence, it is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice.

In conclusion, emotional intelligence is a crucial skill set that can have a major impact on our relationships and success in both personal and professional settings. By focusing on developing our emotional intelligence, we can become better communicators, build stronger relationships, and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

I am all ears

Visit to old age home was an eye opener. We are always so busy in our lives that we hardly think of adverse situations. I happened to meet 2-3 people there out of which I interacted most time with an aunty who belonged to the same culture as mine. She spoke about how she was a big shot in her life until she was thrown away out of her own house post her husband’s demise. She shared her belief in god and probably karma, and how she has lost faith in blood relationships. Talking to her and listening to her agony was indeed a moment to empathise as the situation she shared was quite familiar which we keep hearing day in and out.

While stepping out, we met a mother with her twin daughters suffering from ‘Down syndrome’. She was a positive persona who dedicated herself to her kids. What touched me most was when she quoted “Probably god knew I am capable and strong enough to handle such situations islie bhagwan ne mujhe 2-2 dedie ki sambhal.” She was not resentful, but was rather focused on positive parenting. I believe such visits and interactions are helpful in digging deeper into the last 2 domains of EI.


Thank you to the EI facilitators for collaborating and making this happen.

Critical Thinking ( Day 7 & 8)

On final 2 day of my Life class I came across many views on religion. Sessions were very interactive especially Vardaan Sir’s.

I myself have commented and argued a lot during my teenage years on different religious beliefs and rituals. But over a period I understood that there is no point doing it. I have also understood that finding common ground is essential for peaceful co-existence in the society.

Thanking both Bhargavi Ma’am and Shezin Ma’am for helping me to think critically from all the angles.

My learnings from Emotional Intelligence Workshop

This workshop has helped and made me aware of many things. I learned the 5 stages of Emotional Intelligence and how they can help me navigate my social, professional and personal life. Emotions are something that each one of us have experienced in one way or the other since the beginning of this existence, this workshop helped me understand those emotions and also how to actually deal with them!
One of my favourite things to learn have been the types of happiness, being someone who has always kept happiness as a center of her life, these types of happiness came as a revelation to me. To understand the role of pleasure, passion and purpose in achieving happiness, made me aware of where I was in my life.
I have learned how to be more kind towards other and to me during this workshop. I learned about my own shortcomings and the emotions I associate with it. I have identified my triggers and have now started practicing on regulating my emotions.
This has been a learning experience, I hope to exercise all I have learned in this workshop!

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