Life and love classes – An attempt to know ourselves genuinely.

Love is patient, kind and honest and for a change its not a garden of roses. In our sessions we understood many new aspects of love. I was too possessive about my son and always thought how he will manage if he is in some other school and I am in a different school, even the timings were too diverse, during the life classes I used to cry a lot, I was feeling tempted to quit but I always remembered one thing my mother kept on repeating since my childhood days “Never give up, keep trying good actions and attempts never go unnoticed.

Thanks to Ayman ma’am and Evelyn ma’am for their guidance and for helping me during life classes. I always felt changes especially where we need to put a lot of efforts, take a long time and it’s a daunting task. It really took a year for me to understand that I need to support and let my son grow as an individual and me too, in fact I was not ready to leave him alone, gradually I started with small changes and now he (Soumya) is much more responsible and knows he needs to take charge of his homework and other important things when I am not around.

It was an extreme and difficult phase in my life as a teacher as well as a mother it was always like a student going for a board exam without preparing or learning anything. I had to keep on trying day in and day out to control my emotions and stop worrying, which I have really worked upon, the process goes on. When I look back I feel happy that my hard work has paid off and there are many small if not big changes in me and my son’s life.

Now in the love class we see an extended version of what we learnt in life class a new aspect of love which is in fact real that it’s not all rosy and hunky dory and how we need to keep on putting efforts in all the relationships and the people we love, we should grow and help them grow as well. Even today it happens that without thinking I display my possessiveness and then ponder on the situation and come back to my senses.

Otherwise, it is like a vicious trap which engulfs our happiness and the happiness of those who are important for us. Love classes are a way or means to understand and learn about what actually love is, it has in some or the other way strengthened my belief to grow ourselves and let others grow too.

When our co-participants share their experiences and try to discuss the pros and cons of the situation, we are also enlightened. Love should not be like a forced thing it should be a way to express and feel free. Love is not a feeling it is an action. This is the most important lesson I learnt till now. Looking forward for new learning and experience in love classes. I sum up my experience with a exhilarating thought:

Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.

Love all serve all….

Ahhh yes…Love Class, it’s hard to imagine that an educational institution actually provides this perk to it’s employees, but it is, what it is… it..?

Now the whole kick to this cog is…. it is a mixed batch with married folks, unmarried folks, young women and 2 older men…! ( you see the concoction here..?) plus the instruction is read word for word out of a book, probably published years ago in America, because most of the wisdom applies to them folks that side, who enjoy a bit more liberty then us here in our secular societies and rigid traditions of culture and  living…! OUR INDIA IS GREAT!

In my personal and most humblest opinion, one should be able to be mature and considerate, not to mention, be experienced and knowledgeable on the “L” word ( we tend to use it too loosely over here in our diaspora..!) I ain’t no expert, even though I have been accused of being one, but I ain’t no fool either….like Forrest Gump, I know what love is….!!

There is absolutely no doubt that the “L” class is beneficial in some form or another to all its patrons. The Secret lies in it’s application and understanding of ones true self!

I for one, have realized that one must express his or hers true feelings with courage and confidence without being chastised, only then will the “class” have an impact on the soul. Otherwise, you are just wasting your valuable Saturday and may as well watch paint dry on a wall or something…! It’s like an “AA” class in America, you have to confess your weaknesses and fear and then overcome it with courage and fortitude from within the class…..only thing is we not in America are we now…? So here we are… back to square one…!


Thanks for this initiative FS! ( Looking forward to being an impact experienced result oriented instructor, sooner then later…!!)




“True Love”

Life Classes- A gift to be passed on!

Hello all,

Well, being honest I was just thinking 2 days back to make my page and begin with writing as many friends had inspired me to begin so thought to begin from October and guess I read the mail by Vardan sir that post about the learnings on the blog! Telepathy must say 🙂

To begin with I am transformed- the core reason is Life classes but for me it took time to actually apply and understand the core context of the workshop.

I had been poor in decision making (which I had overcome) now. Still, not perfect but ya, I am growing and much better.

Reason: Love workshop especially has given me better understanding and had answered many of the unanswered questions in my life. Due to these Life classes I developed an interest in understanding and helping the people in a better way for good (not judging them)- why are they angry, frustrated, how can I help them, do they need help, their pain areas, their fear- if nothing I can do I listen carefully.

Connection in my life: My mother undergone change (very much interpreted by me) as my brother got married and time got divided (acceptance of change was missing). She felt at times low which was in action by getting irritated (without any reason), getting angry, isolating herself at times by not communicating with anyone, mood swings, etc. After observing and analyzing (it went on for a month approx), communication and listening was done by us- she demonstrated her anger (which I expected). At least she expressed her emotions. So, then questioning with her permission was done (to understand in a better way the problem). After that we analysed and understood- She needs our TIME which money can’t buy! According to us we were giving time but somewhere rescheduling was required. After doing that surprisingly she changed and now with a better approach. It gave us immense pleasure to understand her feeling which she expressed in a different manner as she was expecting us to understand on our own.

Well, due to Life classes I applied the principles and made my family members to follow the principles which they agreed as it was the apt approach. It boosted my confidence and helped my mom especially to not to go into isolation.

Depression phase had come for all of us (with respect to mom’s action), analysing what hurts her (as she is sensitive) but now there is improvement- the most important element- She is very happy, not dependent but interdependent, she exercise- goes for a walk/runs- alone or with my dad, exercise at home (strength training), yoga (basics). Finally, she took a step forward to utilise her time and she is happy for it!

What I learnt?- Active listening by not judging, being empathetic, understanding gives way to solve the problem as Problems are a part of life and inevitable.

Many more instances to share- probably in my next blog will do so!

Thank you Fountainhead School!

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