Reflection: Integrity first session

The idea to appreciate our group members and facilitators was a good start through which we got comfortable with each other.

While sharing the 7 bucks moment we recalled our tough times and became courageous to overcome the same. We came to know each other. After listening to the sharing of all the participants we felt that we are not the only ones to face the challenges, which made us more strong.

We also shared our fears in front of all through illustrations

Special thanks to our facilitators for providing enough time to every one for sharing.

See you soon.:)

Dharini and Priyanka Patel

” Righteousness”

Reflection – Integrity:
                  First of all, would like to appreciate & thank  Vaghisha Ma’am as well as Jyoti Ma’am for conducting the Integrity classes in such an organised & smooth manner. All the batch mates were sincerely involved & there was no uninteresting moment at all during the entire workshop. Honest sharing & learning from each other’s experiences was one of the key features of the workshop.
             The most effective learning for me was to never judge a person immediately because you never know what must be going through their mind / life. Also, appreciate the way most of the people in the group shared about the difficult times faced by them and how courageously they fought & came out of it. Sharing one’s fear & the seven bucks moment also proved to be very effective as it took us all back to those challenging moments which could have resulted in break down & how we managed to tackle the difficult situation strongly.
Learning from self & other’s experiences is definitely going to help  during the various tricky circumstances in life. Thank you FS for this wonderful idea of life classes as this gives us an opportunity to take a pause, know ourselves better & work towards improvement.
Looking forward towards the next Integrity session.

Integrity – Reflection

One of the best things in Integrity Class was Seven Bucks Moment. There was a lot of sharing happened and got to know each other. Participant open-heartedly shared experiences from their lives.

I relived the my Seven Bucks Moment where I recalled my break-down moment and also found myself so courageous to overcome it. I am now feeling even more courageous to face any circumstance and confident enough to get out of it.

Thanks to the facilitators Vaghisha Ma’am and Jyoti Ma’am for providing such a space to everyone to open up.


Moments re lived !

In Integrity, a lot of sharing was done by all the participants and I came to  know that I am not the only one with challenges.

The tough moments were recalled and how we have overcome that too, was shared. ( But feelings & hurt still remains…at times)

I would specially like to appreciate my facilitators Jyoti and Vagisha for conducting the Life Class very wonderfully and there was not a single dull moment during those two days.

Looking forward to meet everyone once again… 🙂





my reflection.

I am a very different person from what I was before joining Fountainhead. I learned management skills and I can lead my life by following few principles. It has helped me to grow professionally and personally.

It was wonderful experience to get a platform where we can share our thoughts , pains and we all followed our essential agreements and the sharing always remained within the group.

Nuestro Viaje

A little step …may be the beginning of a great journey.

Indeed little did we realise that these sessions would transform us so much.

Our journey like all the others definitely had started from “Why life classes?” and we were just happy with the fact that we will be together but trust me having this journey together was the best thing that has happened to us.

Nothing is constant in this world, things change, people change ,time changes and so have we but in a better way and the credit definitely goes to our life classes journey.

We started our journey from the station of “The 7 habits”. It  definitely has made our life easier. We have become better as a person. We learnt more about the art of  listening.We had great paradigms shift in these sessions.We  also learnt how to build an EBA and the most important thing that we learnt and have implemented in our lives be it professional or personal is “Clarifying Expectations”. Clarifying expectations remove the excess baggage that we always carry, it makes life simple and easy. It also gave us an enlightenment that a proper balance in all aspects of life is essential.Oh yes and how can we not mention those 4 quadrants which definitely made life super awesome especially professionally.



Then our second station was “Love”.  The sessions were just more than what we had thought. Earlier the focus was on self, now it had shifted to the people around us. Here we gained in depth knowledge about- pain, suffering, discipline,what is love, what is not love, myths about love,marriage , key principles of marriage,family and parenting. And trust me this particular year was an eye-opener as it cleared away all the myths we had. We definitely became more mature after completing the love classes.


Our last station was- “The Integrity”. Like finally we were here, few passengers had already reached their destination, few joined in here. “The more the merrier” was apt for the integrity batch of 2016-17. It was all about introspecting oneself and sharing. Yes, sharing!!! I know it seems like that we have been doing since last 2 years but trust us Integrity is all different.Sharing was an integral component of these sessions with healthy participation from each and every member. Even the silent personalities of the group spoke that served as an icing on the cake.

Our visits to places like “Civil Hospital” and “Old Age Home”  made us realize that we are blessed. We could see the irony of life in these places.Different people, different stories, different perspectives,happy faces, gloomy faces, hopes, disappointments and so on.


But we were glad that though for a while we could contribute to their lives.Just few random act of kindness gives such tranquility not only to the receiver but also to the doer.

Spreading happiness actually costs nothing!!!

Finally, our journey as the passengers of the Life Classes has come to an end. Though our journey and visiting these stations of the life classes have been relishing and beneficial for us.And we would like to thank all our facilitators and friends who have made wonderful contributions in our transformations.

“It’s good to have an end to a journey toward;but it’s the journey that matters, in the end.”-Ernest Hemingway.



Varssha Tulshiyani

Chandani Patel

Megha Chhatiawala


My Journey of 3 years…

Today when I analyse myself I am a very different person from what I was before joining Fountainhead. I realized that Listening plays very important role in one’s life. My journey started from 7 habit classes where I learned management skills and how smoothly I can lead my life by following few principles. It has helped me to grow professionally and personally.

Entering into Love class had changed my many paradigms, made me more patient, better listener and empathetic towards people and their situations. It made me more strong to take better decisions in my life and giving me chance to take initiative for my own life. Being in love class helped me to analyze the legitimate and illegitimate pain.

When my journey entered into integrity class,it was the most toughest journey of my life. The 2 years learning and implementing was now on check with our own self that how much we are following and that was something Integrity. The batch got mixed, initially I was not able to adjust with the batch mates as from past 2 years I was in my comfort zone of sharing my things with only my 2 year of batch mates. But this mixing of batches made me more open minded towards the people and my trust increased . It was wonderful experience to get a platform where we can share our thoughts , pains and we all followed our essential agreements and the sharing always remained within the group.

The journey of 3 years had tremendously changed my life and my thoughts. I am thankful to all my facilitators, co-facilitators and all my batch friends.

My journey

The journey started 3 years ago, with the same batch mates. It was really a great learning which has helped me to grow both professionally and personally a lot.

Sharing with the trustworthy person or a group always helps you and make you fell better. Be honest to your self and love your self. We are responsible for our own life and we are the only one who can make it better. Making informed choices letting go Illegitimate pains and move on to way of happiness is all we have learn during our journey.

I would like to say thank you to FS for conducting such classes for the entire school community.

Last but not the least I would like to say a Big thank you to ZSM, Chinki Ma’am, Aymaan Ma’am, Evelyn Ma’am, Ruby Ma’am and Preeti Ma’am for listing all of us and motivate us to introspect which has helped us to solve our problems.

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