I choose to be a victor!

Integrity sessions began with understanding fear, types of people and different reactions or actions people choose to deal in life. The real picture is to Face the fear and to empower yourself to deal with legitimate pain and focus energy and efforts to achieve peace and overcome pain. Also, to consider taking action for pains/fears to not be prolonged and unattended as otherwise may lead to a consequence, rather choose to be a victor and deal with it head on that ensures you grow and evolve.

in-te-grity Theta

These two days helped us lot to explore and discuss the fears we have. How we try to understand the type of fear we have. It helped us to explore the major formula to overcome these fear is to face it and believe that i can do it.

Major of the fears that a person would have is because of the perception and the lack of confidence one is having. One of the key is to gain that confidence.

Another very important aspect is when we generalize the fear. One incident  or something traumatic (that can be very subjective) is generalized to all upcoming similar incidents which make the fear to come and makes overcoming that more difficult.

One of the major type of fear which was focused was fear of failure. Talking about this, this is insightful to understand that failure or the thing that we are fearful is subjective and is haunting us like something which actually dont exist.

Integrity- Theta

Ohh what a two day ride chilling with fear..looking for it inside our heart and mind, categorizing it three( the suface level, the inside story, and i can’t handle it) baskets of fear, and gently facing it with power and mission statements.
Take away- I m powerful and i love it.

See you in next class amigos..:D

Integrity ( theta)

In Theta class we identified the difference in Judgements and perception and the types of fear and how to overcome them, I CAN HANDLE IT! Was good motivation. Responsibilities, pain, live on were catered and gave a better clarity in our understanding.

Dar ke aagey jeet hai!

Let’s us overcome our fears

This life class has helped me to understand, that, yes, I do fear, and that is what is stopping me from bridging the gap between the relationships. So, yes, I need to overcome that fear. I need to introspect. I need not judge people, but I need to work on overcoming my assumptions and sort them out. Work towards problems and make the best out of the worst situation. Getting to the root cause of fear is very important. Is it in my control? Does it need an action? Can I tell myself “I can handle it?”.

Of course, I can “handle it”, since I am responsible for my happiness, for my success, for my failure as well.

Integrity (Life class)

It’s good to know the different kinds of fears that exist in you and then how to overcome them. Work with Integrity and succeed with integrity. True to yourself. Accept the fear and then try to overcome it by understanding a proper situation. It’s good to know the different kind of experiences people go through it and how they overcome those fears and end up winning. The simple and the best way to overcome any fear is to face it.

Integrity Theta

Coming to the end of the first week, I would like to thank both the facilitators for conducting it fabulously. It helped me to see things from varied perspectives, learned levels of fear, how to overcome them, and building an attitude of I can handle it – while dealing with challenges and fear. All in all, the first week was wonderful.

As Man Thinketh – James Allen

As a Man, Thinketh by James Allen is a very fascinating and insightful book inspiring millions of people to recognize that man’s vision can become reality through positive thoughts.
To begin with, chapter 1 depicts thought and character. Allen states that ‘ if a man has evil thought succumbs pain on the other hand if one endures pure thoughts will enjoy joy and bliss’.
Furthermore, the author suggests that Man is always a master, any wrong decision will ruin his fortune however if he works diligently and tries to find a solution for the mistakes committed makes him wiser.

The author has used an analogy of our mind like a garden according to him – Like the farmer who cultivates a garden from weeds and other growing flowers in the same way one has to keep his mind pure and clear and avoid negative thoughts becomes the director of his life. He that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened;’ patience, practice, and persistence witl help to grow in your life.

Vision is very important which helps you to succeed in your life with flying colors. Be aware of Climbing fool’s hills as Carl has suggested in one of his writings. Everybody makes mistakes, we learn from our mistakes, we fall down and reach the hill.

Life is challenging, failures lead to success but one needs to be calm and patient as it is stated in the text “Self-control is strength; Right Thought is mastery; Calmness is power.”


Integrity Theta

It was a good experience attending the Integrity workshop. We delved into various topics such as rational fear, irrational fear, levels of fear, how we can deal with it in an effective manner. We patiently listened to each other’s stories, experiences and sharing and gained some insight into the reason behind our fears. The movie viewing experience was also nice.
All in all, it was enriching to be a part of this workshop.

As a man thinketh – Empowering yourself!

“Things have a way of working themselves out if we just remain positive.” – Lou Holtz. This principle is explained very well in the book –  As a man thinketh. James Allen says that thoughts are seeds for actions, so our mind is a garden where we must cultivate the right seeds. Allen uses the analogy of our mind being like a garden. In this analogy, the right seeds are thoughts that make us vital, energized and strong, while the weeds are disempowering thoughts. Researchers have proved that if we fill our minds with negativity, we will experience a negative outlook on our lives. Our minds are more powerful than we think. Hence we should fill ourselves with positive thoughts.

In the Bible, the book of Matthew says, “For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” It clearly explains that you will gravitate toward that which you, secretly, most love.

The key message of the book is that everyone has the ability to create their reality. So, go ahead and think positive, as by staying positive, good things will eventually come your way.


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