As Man Thinketh – James Allen

As a Man, Thinketh by James Allen is a very fascinating and insightful book inspiring millions of people to recognize that man’s vision can become reality through positive thoughts.
To begin with, chapter 1 depicts thought and character. Allen states that ‘ if a man has evil thought succumbs pain on the other hand if one endures pure thoughts will enjoy joy and bliss’.
Furthermore, the author suggests that Man is always a master, any wrong decision will ruin his fortune however if he works diligently and tries to find a solution for the mistakes committed makes him wiser.

The author has used an analogy of our mind like a garden according to him – Like the farmer who cultivates a garden from weeds and other growing flowers in the same way one has to keep his mind pure and clear and avoid negative thoughts becomes the director of his life. He that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened;’ patience, practice, and persistence witl help to grow in your life.

Vision is very important which helps you to succeed in your life with flying colors. Be aware of Climbing fool’s hills as Carl has suggested in one of his writings. Everybody makes mistakes, we learn from our mistakes, we fall down and reach the hill.

Life is challenging, failures lead to success but one needs to be calm and patient as it is stated in the text “Self-control is strength; Right Thought is mastery; Calmness is power.”


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