My quiz result…!!!


I attended a quiz shared by Mariyam mam. Being honest while answering the questions of the quiz, I came to know that which bias is directing or driving my thoughts. The AAHA…!!! a moment is that I completely agree with the result of the quiz. Here it is.

Thank you Mariyam mam and Shezin mam for all your efforts.

Critical Thinking Everywhere

I saw a Gujarati movie last week ‘Chal Man Jeetva Jaiye’, and it was a mesmerizing experience. It showcases a rich family stuck at a crossroad wherein their reputation, luxuries, and comfort are at stake because they had incurred the heavy loss. The young generation of the house helps the elders to critically think over the decision taken. They help them analyze the situation from all the perspective which leads to the realization of the blunder they were about to commit. Later the decision taken by them helps the family to live a respectful and happy life. It shows how we completely depend on system one and don’t analyze the situation cautiously when in stress. The decision-making process is beautifully captured and it is a must watch for those who struggle taking decisions at grave situations.

Yeh kaun chitrakaar hain … ya scientist hain.. ya doctor hain…?

Disclaimer: Written in the last 10 minutes 🙂

I dont know about my belief in God but what I do believe in is that (at the cost of sounding very “right winged”) is that we come from a rich, cultural heritage. Here’s my hypothesis: I believe that our ancestors held a lot of wisdom and this wisdom was shared with the common people. Somewhere, there was a need to wrap this wisdom in a more palatable form or make some “good practices” common practices.. and BINGO.. there came religion and a set of associated beliefs and superstitions. We all must have heard the story of the Buddhist monastery which meditated while tying a cat to a lamppost. The story of religion and superstitions would follow a similar trajectory of evolution.

Let me give you a few examples to further help you understand where I am coming from:
1. The Indian cow: “gau rakshaks” have earned a notorious name in recent times but do we understand what value the Indian cow holds? If you google it, you will understand what I am saying. Can we use our newly acquired critical thinking skills to separate the noise and the message?

2. I shared an article about it recently . Deep breathing is good for you. Stanford medical school now confirms it. but hello! I mean Baba Ramdev made an entire nation do the “kapalbhaati” and from time immemorial, yogic breathing is a part of our tradition

There are many other examples that I have!

My request to my fellow critical thinkers is that “THINK, Look for confirming and disconfirming evidence” but dont dismiss the native wisdom that we possess.

Now, where does god and religion come here? These same “learned, wise men and women” devised religion / God/ scriptures to guide us on the right way of life (for example: i am doing a gita class and one learning that has really stuck is that “i need to be free from becoming a smaller person. I understand this as always being or attempting to be large hearted, generous, forgiving, gratitude. Works for me! If this is what religion will teach me, I am willing to buy it. I am equipped with a rational and thinking mind and what i call as a “bullshit filter” which will help me cut the noise from the message.) I acknowledge that education (and specifically a “western” education has equipped me to do so)

But if I am at a well placed position that allows me to enjoy the benefits of a Western Education and our native wisdom, I intend to make full use of it and selectively adopt certain “religious” practices or tenets which will do me only good

Thank you God!!

Is there a God? I have heard and infact questioned myself several times. After digging deep, I start questioning God himself…are you there. Then ultimately realise….there is God, may be not physically present but yes, I believe, there is a supreme power, some energy that brings positivity in me and strives me to stay and keep my calm, helps me come out during my hardships.

Religion on the other hand, gives me a track to move on(but not gets us close to God in any case)and help me keep myself more organised. However, rituals does not do any good to me. I do it because my family wants me to do and I am sure that a crow can never do anything for me. In my good/difficult times, God has been a source to keep myself balanced. For me, it is more about faith in that supreme power. 
I go to temple to seek my answers, not with God but myself. 
More than religion, I believe in the theory of Karma – “you get served what you deserve” and that supreme energy helps me in resorting the right path !!

God? A never ending debate!!!

I used to believe that yes – God does exist and a ledger is being maintained by him. Idol worship was practiced by me and I wholeheartedly participated in a lot of pujas, havan and many other such practices. I used to observe fasts, pray, visit temples religiously and have done many more things in the name of God. Today I do question the existence of God (I don’t know is someone really there sitting up in the sky; keeping an eye on me and maintaining my ledger). But yes – there is some supreme power which is over and above human power. 

People around me are still grappling with their blind beliefs – going to pandits and do not critically evaluate and look for “disconfirming” evidences. I constantly squabble with my family, explaining them the reason behind why have I stopped many practices in the name of God (idol worship, pujas, havan, fasts, etc.), but at the end I can just show them the way and guide them to think critically. I can’t force anyone. I still participate in few gatherings where customs and traditions are blindly followed, just because my parents are happy with my presence, but believing in these customs and traditions is still a question, that needs to be answered!


Still Confused: GOD!

My belief! – A confused one now but earlier i firmly believed that there are many God/s as seen in different religious stories and tv shows, I always believed that yes they are exactly how they are shown( Different kind of faces / multiple hands / miraculous powers and much more).

The question which still resolves is Who is God?” I mean I always read Ramayana and seen so many tv shows because of which I have various images and types of GOD in mind. But, Now i believe that no one has seen god, all these stories are assumptions that something of this sort must have happened and people are believing it since ages.” I want to search how these stories and other scriptures came from and how true are they?How do these scriptures were written i mean who all told them that this all happened (e.g Ramayan & Mahabharat).

I never doubted on the existence of God! There is some creator and destroyer, there is some supreme being.

Religion what I believe is all man – made, people of same beliefs and location came together to form a group and then they made their own rituals and traditions and then domination started.

I don’t believe much in rituals and traditions, I question myself every time, before doing something the concept of Causation Vs Correlation starts to move around my head. I have seen so many examples where not doing a particular ritual or not following a tradition did not had a bad effect, thus making my belief more strong.

Now after the session my thought process goes like that people still believe in all the rituals and are continuing to follow the rituals / poojas / etc irrespective of the logic or a reason.

Who created Whom?

I wish if God really existed and somehow he completed my task of writing this reflection! I know someone may argue God has many other important things to do… Really?? What important things?

Till now my stand was very clear. I will not interfere with ideas and opinion people have about God, rituals or religion as they really don’t affect me. I had the liberty to follow things I wished to and never forced into anything against my wish. However out of love and respect I do follow some of the rituals or visiting fire temples with family. This is just to spend time with family and I feel there is no harm in doing so.

However now after so much of discussion on this topic in CT class, I have started reconsidering my way of dealing with these situations. I have become more conscious, I am not sure if just going with the flow will cause any harm in long run? I am unsure if it is really required to seek answers to questions like “Is it really essential to know if God exists or not? God created us or we created Him? Is it fear of unknown or just to get peace and happiness? If I don’t follow or worship God will he/she/it harm people around me? Is it really worth experimenting with God and beliefs associated with God?”

It was all smooth till now. I was happy with my beliefs, but thanks to this workshop!



My believe in god

I do have a faith that there is a supreme power- who looks after us and whole universe. I go for worship and I also believe in helping needy people. It is a way of worshiping god . I believe that  God is someone who is looking after me and is with me all the time. I also believe that  ‘God helps those, who help themselves.’

Reflection- On My beliefs for God and religion!!

I am not sure what power does the god have or is there a god or gods??? But I do have a faith that there is some sort of supreme power- who is a creator of everything and looks after us- so that means do I believe in God- Yes- but for me God is someone who is looking after me and reminding me it’s you who have to work for yourself- as I truly believe in this statement- ‘God helps those, those who help themselves.’

Religion- I never understood what the religion is doing for me- well other than making me weak- I have been told that if there is any problem do some sort of pujas or certain mantras it will solve it- but it never has!! For past 20 years, I prayed I did all sort of Pujas that my life would be better but nothing happened. When I think now I just lost my time, money. And when I took corrective steps myself – I was able to handle my life and certain situations are not in our hand so I left them. Taking charge of my life helped me- I felt strong, responsible for my life. But then these are my thoughts. While my family follows certain rituals and does various pujas and I never stopped them.

I also believe religions divide us and not only different religions but the same religion with sub-division make us superior-or inferior from one another. I doubt whether religion plays a major role in one’s beliefs and values as according to me all religion says we are one and we all have god within us then why a rich person is been respected and a poor person disrespected???? Why has a man all right to take decisions while a woman is just for cooking food?

If I talk about myself I believe my beliefs and values are derived from the situations I have faced. And it’s all about humanitarian grounds – where for me all are equal, and both have equal rights and brain (which many of us don’t believe). So do I believe in religion- Yes as for me my religion says- be courageous, believe in yourself and show kindness.

To sum up- I do believe in God who is a creator- I do participate in certain religious affairs and sometimes I do enjoy meeting my distant relatives during those occasions. But mostly I participate because of my mother as she gets happy with my participation.

After the workshop, I will question myself will I continue participating in religious affairs which I don’t believe; and the answer is- I don’t know. But yes I will think critically and maybe have the courage to questions their belief too!!


I always believed that there is one supreme power, i.e God and followed some or just few practices/prayers or fasts. I never used to believe in going temples or doing Pooja daily but if asked never thought to oppose it.

Religion was never an issue for me because my family doesn’t believe in it. Hence, they always kept it open for me and I made my own choice of not following it at all.

I’m aware that whatever happens with us is just because of our lack of efforts or sometimes things are not in our hands and everything just revolve based on our thoughts like placebo effect.  I hold the thought of, “What goes around, comes around(Karma.)” I still believe that god has definitely thought of something good about us and everything is destined. It’s just a matter of time. We need to have patience. But then the question is when will that time come? Should I really wait for it or accept it or think differently and search a different way out of it? Or just wait for the destiny to decide?

Last two sessions were very enlightening. I still believe that there is God, “Being on safer side” but have my own set of questions, so still confused little bit. But definitely I’ll seek for reasons before following anything blindly. No questions as of now, but yes bit confused, probably with the passage of time it’ll get sorted.

Kiran Tulsiani
“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.”
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