Thinking critically is a mark of an educated mind!!

One of the biggest hallmarks of critical thinking is the capacity for independent thought. It’s easy to believe or agree without consideration. Nevertheless, when we choose to think independently, as per our previous experiences.
Thinking critically opens up your mind for visualizing a particular situation from different perspectives. One develops acceptance and understanding about other people’s perspectives. When we did the ‘See, think and wonder’ activity, we came to know how each one of us saw the same thing with a different lens. It was an enriching experience. It’s not only broadening our horizon but also developing our research skills. The ‘Murder your darling’ activity definitely made us do so!! Looking forward for more of these enlightening sessions ..



    ‘One of the biggest hallmarks of critical thinking is the capacity for independent thought.’ – very rightly said. Also, education is not only restricted to academics but overall knowledge that a person has and keeps gaining over the span of life. Hence, thinking critically keeps giving us food for thought!

  • मैं सहमत हूँ। जब ‘Murder your darling’ गतिविधि करवाई गई उससे हमें यह मौका मिला कि हम अपनी सोच का रास्ता बदलकर उसे अलग तरीके से सोचना शुरू करें। जैसे कि नए रस्ते से अलग मंज़िल पर पहुँचते है, हम कभी यह प्रयास नहीं करते कि अपनी सोच को अलग तरीके से या गहनता से सोचे। इसके ज़रिए हमने अपनी सोच को बढ़ाकर और गहनता से सोचकर निर्णय लेना सीखा। हर बार जो हम सोचते है और हम मानते है वही सच्चाई नहीं होती यह समझा।

  • Khushboo Inderjeet Sheth

    I agree with the point that it allows you to understand different perspectives and it helps you to broaden your view of looking at things differently and not just based on what is right to you. For example, in leadership, it becomes very important to understand the view of your team members and from where they are coming from. I may have a set way of working or for me, a particular trait like integrity or punctuality weighs more than other traits, that does not mean that I just stay stuck on what is important to me but also understand what they believe and how it molded their actions.


    This line- CT is the capacity for independent thought actually makes one realize, how important a skill it is to be learnt. As I begin to pick the skill, I feel empowered, I can analyze, think, and decide better. I refrain from jumping to conclusions. A must have skill to be developed for one and all. And I totally agree that CT shows you so many perspectives which you never thought even existed!!

  • “Thinking critically opens up your mind to visualize a particular situation from different perspectives. One develops acceptance and understanding about other people’s perspectives.” – Yes, agree that and can vouch proudly that I have not only out my conscious efforts of implementing in my thinking but also making people around me aware of the same which has helped us to take right decisions. 

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