“Critical Thinking”

“CRITICAL THINKING” The word itself made me think about what are we going to do in this life class. I hope it’s not boring and so on. But the very first day, in the first half I felt “WOW, It’s interesting.” Critical thinking leads to more research and looks for solutions. It helped us ponder upon our cognitive bias, think rationally, beliefs, and values of our traditions. Having a lot of bias is not harmful but that should affect us and others.  It had taught me when to think and how much to think. It’s not that we think critically every time. The exercises were very interesting and engaging. Looking forward for more sessions.

ભૈ માણસ છે

ભૈ માણસ છે
(પેહલી બે પંક્તિ શ્રી જયંત પાઠક ઘ્વારા રચિત)
રમતાં  રમતાં  લડી પડે ભૈ માણસ છે
હસતાં  હસતાં  રડી  પડે ભૈ માણસ છે
વાંચી વાંચી ભણી શકે ભૈ માણસ છે
ભણી ભણી ને પૂછી શકે ભૈ માણસ છે
પૂછતાં પૂછતાં શીખી શકે ભૈ માણસ છે
વાત કરી ને લડી શકે ભૈ માણસ છે
મંતવ્યો વ્યકત કરી શકે ભૈ માણસ છે
સવાલ પૂછતા દુનિયા બદલે ભૈ માણસ છે
પૂર્વગ્રહ ને જાણી શકે ભૈ માણસ છે
જાણી એને સમજી શકે ભૈ માણસ છે
સમજી એને બદલી શકે ભૈ માણસ છે
સમજાવી-બદલાવી શકે ભૈ માણસ છે
– જુહી

Reflection On Critical Thinking- 17th October,2020

Critical Thinking sessions have helped me to think critically where I used to think emotionally before. I have understood the importance of having evidence or facts to support your thinking. The sharing done by the participants also helps you understand it better. I have become more conscious in understanding the biases based on my actions. Thank you so much Aman Sir and Shraddha for creating beautiful plans and passing on your learning to us. Looking forward to more such interesting sessions :).

Critical Thinking: A 21st Century Skill

As learnt in Emotional Intelligence Class, we are living in a Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous world (VUCA world). It is more natural for all of us to keep experiencing Amygdala Hijack if we don’t implement the right balance of Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking in our lives. Easier said than done!! We have to be careful of not letting the Critical Thinking turn into Overthinking. It is important to understand that CT is not reflexive, rather it is an analytical stance. It helps you become more aware of your biases, take ownership of your beliefs, question things rather than blindly following/accepting it and finally helps you handle situations appropriately. A positive feeling that comes with these sessions is that we are already instilling it in our students. Eager to get more insights from the coming sessions and on the path to becoming a critical thinker (knowing well that it’s difficult and would happen with conscious efforts only).

Don’t overthink! Think Critically…

So, after completing the compulsory classes -Life, Love and Integrity, I was wondering what to do next…And then Critical Thinking came to rescue. And hey, now I think I made the right choice!

These past 3 sessions have not only given me tons of food for thought but also enlightened me with so much of gyaan which I could have never gained otherwise. These classes actually make you ponder about every tiny mini thing in your life – the most mundane ones too like the brand of your shampoo or soap :D. Of course, sometimes you need to take it with a grain of salt also but it had helped me to stop Overthinking 24*7 (which is still my favorite thing to do!) and think Critically as well. Hoping for more gyaan-filled sessions this year…!

Critical Thinking: A must !

“Do not indoctrinate your children. Teach them how to think for themselves, how to evaluate evidence, and how to disagree with you.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
Well, this is what I learnt in the 3 sessions of “Critical Thinking.” Critical thinking for me is one of the toughest job and I feel like what is the need for it all the time but I relaised that with the help of it we make better decision and also we are well-aware that why we have taken the decision.
In the exercise, to kill your darling, it was evident that how biased we are towards our favourite people, brands, etc and then later we learnt about various Bias that exists which made we ponder,”My life is full of biases!” This definitely makes me think on areas I need to work.
The wonderful sharing by the group members definitely helps in thinking more critically.
Looking forward to learn from the further sessions!

Are you over thinking or Critical Thinking ?

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle

I use to feel critical thinking is required or used while taking bigger decisions, but its not like that. we all are some of the other places using our critical thinking skills. It is just not to take things only on its face value being skeptical, welcome perspectives, analyse, evaluate and ability to think clearly. We dont jump to the conclusions, think.  It`s important for your understanding of what` others say.  Emotions are not to be involved while thinking critically. They may sometime take the lead but then the decision taken may not be considered as taken after thinking critically.
Stepping into the term  “Bias” was when we self reflect. We actually have done it in past but can be mindful in the future.

Being Critical is Being HAZARDOUS

Being critical is HAZARDOUS for your health.

Critical thinking has its positives as well as negatives. It is ofcourse good in all the sense but also has negative effects in others sense.

When it comes to relationships in life, be it parent,  friends, children,  or life partner. There are times when you want to apply critical thinking but your relation can come on stake, so you tend to ignore your critical thinking skill and keep it a side.

Sometimes being so critical effects your personal life, when it comes to questioning a religion, when it comes to questioning a ritual or questioning the paradigms for that matter, it is difficult to change people mindset and again you tend to keep your critical thoughts on a side.

I guess we all have faced such situations,  mention in comments down….. if you want….😉


A blessing in disguise

“Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle.”

George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

I would have never liked someone who always disagrees to my opinions but lately I have started respecting them. Thanks to the last session which has created this huge impact on my thought system that Disagreements leads to better decision making. We all may like gullible people but as a leader and for the benefit of the organization I have started equally respecting the most argumentative people as well. This is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. The best thing that I could ever learn in critical thinking classes so far. The session by VK on Mathematical calculations for decision making was extremely informative. Helped me to change my investment plans. The sessions are really good. Making a difference and leaving an impact.

Why is Critical Thinking required?

Before joining this class I was very reluctant about joining it. I thought it’s all so boring and unnecessary. Ultimately my friends persuaded me to join and when I attended it on the first day I was like WOW. I enjoyed the classes and I look forward for the next session. Critical thinking has taught us how and where to apply critical thinking. It has given me an insight about why critical thinking is required. Shifting paradigms, learn about different types of biases etc.


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