7 Habits & Love – Beta


In this class, we delved deeper into subjects of love, stages, major principles to survive the relationship. At first we pondered on the big question, why marriage is important for oneself. The few answers to it was Emotional Support and Companionship, Commitment and Stability, and others

We further went deep into studying stages of marriage life. Which is divided into 8 parts:-

  1. Falling in love
  2. honeymoon
  3. period of adjustment
  4. something is missing
  5. crisis
  6. forgivemess
  7. norming, performing
  8. attainment

Later we went to meet our new mentor parag sir, who gave an insight of types of relationships. Which are divided into mainly 3 catagorries. 1) kingly 2) friendly 3) beggerly.

A kingly relationship is where the purpose is solely to offer and serve without expecting anything in return, embodies the essence of selflessness and generosity. In such a relationship, one person adopts the role of a benevolent ruler, guided by a genuine desire to uplift and support the other without seeking personal gain or recognition. Here’s a description of this type of relationship. Unconditional Giving- In a kingly relationship, the giver offers their support, care, and resources unconditionally, without expecting reciprocity or acknowledgment. Their acts of kindness flow freely from a place of genuine concern and empathy for the other person’s well-being.

A friendly relationship built on the foundation of good bonding, no expectations, and true love is a beautiful manifestation of genuine connection and mutual affection. In such a relationship, both individuals prioritize nurturing a deep bond based on trust, respect, and authenticity, without seeking anything in return. Joy in Each Other’s Happiness: In this relationship, both individuals find joy in each other’s happiness and success. They take delight in seeing the other person thrive and grow, knowing that their love and support have played a part in their achievements.

In a beggarly relationship, the dynamic revolves solely around transactions, with little to no genuine connection or emotional investment between the individuals involved. Each interaction is driven by a desire to extract value or benefit from the other party, with little regard for mutual respect or reciprocity. Unlike healthy relationships built on mutual trust and respect, there is no genuine connection or emotional bond in a beggarly relationship. Interactions are superficial and lack depth, with little opportunity for meaningful communication or understanding.Give and Take Mentality: The relationship operates on a strict give-and-take mentality, where both parties expect immediate gratification for their contributions. There is little room for generosity or selflessness, as each person prioritizes their own interests above all else.

everyone of us shared insights from their lives about their undestanding about what type of relationships they have with people and it changes according to place, person to person and time.

later after coming back to class from break, we continued with what are the major roles of parents. We had few stories of people sharing their bond stories with their family or parents.

At the conclusion, we summed up with a video of sadhguru explaining how to become a good parent and saint gaur gopal das explaining you have to change first to change others.. because children are observing and learning, that’s an important point. Children are highly observant and tend to mimic the behavior of their parents and caregivers. Modeling positive behavior sets a strong example for children to follow. It’s essential for parents to be mindful of their actions and strive to demonstrate traits such as kindness, patience, empathy, and resilience, as these qualities can have a significant impact on a child’s development and well-being.

7 habits & Love class- Beta (Days 5 & 6)

Days 5 & 6 offered us new perspectives as we explored the complex concepts of discipline and love. It’s funny how life gives you reality check sometimes, and one of the most important lessons we learned was that life is challenging. The irony is that the difficulty seems to lessen as soon as we completely understand and embrace this fact. Knowing life’s challenges reduces their complexity, much like deciphering a hidden code.

As we investigated the ideas of legitimate and illegitimate suffering, our inquiry into the understanding of pain took an intriguing turn. Even while I debated calling some illegitimate pain unjustified, I couldn’t argue against the need of accepting and recognizing it. Maybe I simply dislike the fact that some pain is so disregarded by society that its cause becomes logically insignificant to the person too leading them to repress it. 

Discipline turned into a focus, and a fellow member said something that stuck with me- love is a verb which is an action word, and love as an action, necessitates discipline. It was quite beautifully put according to me. Our investigation of the four discipline tools –  delaying gratification, acceptance of responsibility, dedication to truth, and balancing – opened up a world of introspection. My group was assigned the task of explaining acceptance of responsibility, which turned out to be not only entertaining but also extremely insightful.

According to Scott Peck, the discussions on love were equally fascinating, ranging from personal definitions to debunking misconceptions and exploring non-examples. Love, as we discovered, transcends conventional notions, and it was eye-opening to challenge our preconceived notions about it.

We concluded the day by watching the film “Fair Play.” Even though I didn’t particularly like it, it did a good job of portraying the harsh reality of the power relationships between men and women. It served as a sobering reminder of how intricately relationships are constructed. All in all, I had a great time during these sessions, and I want to express my gratitude to the school and our facilitators for providing such a rich educational environment. We are continuing to explore the complexities of life, and I am grateful for the insights and lessons gained. I am looking forward to the next and sadly our last 2 sessions with great anticipation.

Life class day 3 & 4 (7 Habits & Love: Beta)

I grew up knowing about the 7 Habits as an FS Alumni, however, experiencing them as an adult under the guidance of Sufiyan Sir and Jyoti Ma’am was an entirely different story. These two days consisted of a combination of reflection, teamwork, and self-discovery.
We began with a recap before moving on to Habit 4: Think Win-Win. We played games and spoke about scenarios that helped me view these tendencies in a more mature light. Habit 5 was the next topic, which was seek first to understand and then to be understood. We had a listening circle for this and it dealt with verbal and nonverbal communication as well as the essence of listening. Parag Sir and the entire listening circle imparted a lot of wisdom to us on its importance in this noisy world. I realised that genuine listening is somewhat uncommon today.
Next was the outdoor adventure at KG Farm, with an emphasis on Habit 6 – “synergy.” However, we initially became overly fixated on winning the games. We learned the value of teamwork through the intense, entertaining, and even rowdy gameplay, especially tug of war. We tackled Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw, which is about taking care of yourself so you last longer, just like an axe. The way we studied listening through role-playing and games struck me as the most significant aspect of these days. We developed these behaviors because of the atmosphere in the classroom.
Thanks to Jyoti Ma’am and Sufiyan Sir for making these two days not only jam-packed with knowledge but also incredibly entertaining. I would also like to thank Fountainhead School for sustaining this educational process not just for the students but also for the staff. Now that the 7 Habits journey has commenced, I’m eager to see what lies ahead.

Forgiving is an art and an act!

Hello all,

This is my 3rd blog- feeling happy:)

In this blog I am sharing my understanding and experience about Forgiving- it is divided into 2 segments- Forgive and Forget or Forget and Forgive!

Well, as said life is a series of problems and life is difficult, each individual come across situation which is painful, mixed emotions, not acceptable, etc.- the list goes on and varies from individual to individual.

In my life, I never actually understood the true essence of “Forgiving”. It’s for an instance if someone says “Sorry” to me my anger vanishes and inner feeling comes which is actually satisfying ego and making me feel good for the moment. Actually, it is not forgiving but the beginning step of judging the person and building paradigms- the root cause. According to the Life classes (and I too believe) learning internally being sorry/ apologize requires willpower, empathy, and courage to do it.

Forgiving is interconnected with Change- appreciating the change a person has undergone (for good), being empathetic (boundaries are always there), helping the person to grow, not to impose my perspective but analyzing the situation and giving feedback/ suggestion, clarifying expectations, and the art of listening.

Forgive and Forget OR Forget and Forgive- Well, after undergoing change which is a decision the mind becomes calm as acceptance is there. So forgiving the person will heal the pain and to forget whatever act has happened is a step towards mental peace.

Now what will happen? Well, as said I had first applied the principle of Forgive and Forget and then gradually through deeper understanding moved towards Forget and Forgive which has transformed my way of approach/ understanding towards life- it is a very difficult step. So, it is a choice which is made by an individual.

Problems are big, small, painful, depressing- but the solution is I. If ‘I’ is firm then the intensity of the problem will surely diminish/resolved.

“The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next”– Mignon McLaughlin

Thank you!

Sometimes it’s the smallest decision that can change your life forever! – Keri Russell

Hello all,

So, this is my 2nd post on this blog! Happy to share something new and for me it is a joy of sharing! 🙂

Thank you Ankita Ma’am for reading my 1st post and appreciating me for my write up!


Well, to begin with the quote,”Sometimes it’s the smallest decision that can change your life forever”- it has been connected and had played a vital role in my life.

Mostly everyone is aware that I had been a teacher (kindergarten level) – and have 8 years of experience (4 years in DPS and 4 years in Fountainhead school). When anyone asked me and gave me a feedback- I am a good teacher and children are very attached to me, change in their growth (values) it gave me motivation and happiness. Many a times I came across the word- “PASSION”- so teaching is your passion- Great! I never understood the difference though but said I love teaching and subconsciously accepted that Teaching is my Passion but truly to confess I by chance happened to enter into teaching Profession as it was never the goal in my life. 🙂

Moving ahead, during my teaching career I did my Reebok Certification- welcome to the world of Fitness 🙂 but still was teaching- began working part time by taking fitness class and all stuff- at this stage I was completely lost- still could not decide what exactly I want to do in my life!

Further going ahead in Fountainhead school gym started and at this point (i was under stress and depressing stage at that time) when I had communicated with Vardan Sir and Ankita ma’am and they asked me if I was interested at this post- (fitness trainer post). I agreed and undergone interview stage (I still remember I was a bit nervous as I didn’t knew what questions would be asked- theory and practical interview phase).

Then I realised FITNESS IS MY PASSION and now over a period of time I had transformed completely (for optimum).

I would like to share with all- At that stage (4.5 years back) I was not in a good shape (as a Fitness trainer)- I don’t hesitate to use such words because I’m okay with it and it had been the fact. Present scenario- Once I realised its my passion I am progressing and understanding further to help as many people to engage in any Physical Activity- sports, exercise, yoga, etc. and I learn when I listen to people who needs my help.

I had taken the decision to change my Profession later but I am proud of myself as I took decision.

Before taking this decision what I went through-

I asked few people suggestions over my decision-

People threatened me or made me aware of their thoughts (Primary thoughts)- (a)At this age I should think of marriage and earn income as its stagnant? (b)What after few years when I will grow old- I won’t be able to take class then what will I do? (c)The profession is not good for females as what if I get married and the opposite people (society) won’t like it? (d)If I work in gym males stare and pass cheap comments- It is not a respectful job!

What action I took- After listening to all this I understood that they are not able to understand my Passion and Willingness so I did what I felt is correct. And to my surprise these people are shocked to see me growing further (with RESPECT ELEMENT:). Also, after this included in my vision element- What will happen if I will grow old? I had planned for this and whatever I will do (Planning and Work under progress going on) it will be a CHANGE FACTOR! I had planned and work in progress going on.

I will end up saying that I had never planned anything in my life (Professional and Personal grounds) but the moment you are waiting for KNOCKS the door- Listen to it, Analyse it and move ahead. People always analyse the PASSION factor keeping in mind age, benefit, etc. I believe in even if one can go high (due to limitations which can’t be changed) but at least live a part of it by actually being in the process- IT WILL GIVE INTERNAL JOY AND HAPPINESS! 🙂 That’s my perspective and my way of approach.

So, thank you all for reading my post. New article in my upcoming next post.

Thank you!