Beta – 7 Habits (Session 1 and 2)

As part of the TLIM program, I had already received training in 7 habits. And so I thought that going through 7 habits all over again would turn out to be very boring. But it was not so!

The Beta group was led by Ms. Jyoti Banthia and Mr. Sufyan Saiyed. From the outset, the facilitators created an atmosphere of trust and comfort with their welcoming smiles. Both of them did not hold back in sharing their own personal stories in order for us to understand the concepts really well. JB and SS, being perceptive of our energy levels, included energisers to lift up our spirits and even maintained the pace of the sessions as per our needs. I was able to understand the first 3 habits in even more depth in these two days through activities and discussions. The time matrix and big rocks were the biggest takeaways for me and I hope to apply it in my daily planning and scheduling.

My Beta group co-learners were nothing less than awesome. For me, it’s a wonder how the trust was built among us in such a short time and how open we each were in sharing our vulnerabilities, especially in the activity where we had to imagine our death. The atmosphere was heavy and yet the spirit of non-judgemental acceptance that reflected in everyone was really heart warming. I gained new friends and gained a space to push myself out of my comfort zone. I am sure that everyone, just like me, gained some new perspectives and gratitude towards life by the end of 2 days.

Words are not enough to express the depth of feelings I experienced in those sessions. I’ll end my blog here. Looking forward to the next batch of life classes!

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