Beta – 7 Habits (Session 3 and 4)

In this delectable odyssey of life classes, the third and fourth servings were the anticipated courses. Like a gourmand awaiting a feast, I was eager to mingle with Beta members and relish new knowledge. The third serving, akin to a beautifully set table, unfolded with the captivating sharing circle, revealing the essence of ‘active listening.’ Unexpectedly, the fourth serving served up a playful dish of synergy, a delightful surprise, like finding an extra treat in a meal. The flavors of competition awakened the childlike excitement within, adding a dash of spice to the experience. As the session curtains closed, the EBA envelopes were a sweet dessert, leaving a warm aftertaste. Gratitude fills me for the ingenious chefs, Ms. Jyoti Banthia and Mr. Sufan Saiyed, who orchestrated this delightful banquet. Just as skilled chefs craft an exquisite meal, they led with the same fervor and enthusiasm. Now, I eagerly await the next serving, for this banquet of wisdom promises a continual satiation of the soul.

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