7 Habits and Love (Gamma) – Day 1 & 2.

First of all I would like to thank the school and their vision that puts an emphasis on creating a holistic environment for all of it’s stakeholders. The past two days went away in a hurry of happiness and life long learning experience. The class began with ‘life’ – my definition of perfect life and what is stopping us from our perfect life. It infact, lead us to contemplate life and its meaning. The next major idea was on paradigm shift and how we as individuals view the world and hoipolloi. This led to our understanding on how we respond or react to the world and its people and inturn it affects our concerns and what we influence. Thinking about death made our eyes rain but lead us to define our mission. Talking about mission, we learned to set our priorities and think about what we really care for. Lastly, we got to know about emotional bank account and what it really means.


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