Critical Thinking _ Eta

Critical Thinking life class for the first two days was extremely helpful in knowing about the what, when, why, how, where, and who of the involved subjects. We require Critical Thinking in all walks of life for better decision-making and living a life with less of barriers. The facilitators in the class were helpful and gave extended knowledge on the topic by taking real-life examples. Though personally, I am a critical thinker, light was thrown on various dimensions like politics, media, ethics, and moral character from different perspectives. There was a debate kind of on topics such as Astrology, Vastu Shashtra, and politics. Day two started with the movie Oppenheimer. Being the movie based on scientific invention, it was more of critical thinking on ethics versus the value of knowledge, politics, duty biases, decision making, and student-teacher approach to the field of education that we are in. Both days were enjoyable along with tons of perspectives.


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