Know thyself !

We know what is the meaning conveyed from the mission statement of our school. Along with the competence we focus on holistic development of individuals at our organization. It was great to understand that one of the easiest ways to discover compatablity with others is to gauge their emotional intelligence. This life classes was good journey to different domains of EI. I believe to develop emotional intelligence we need to practice enlarging our inner passion at every moment. We got to undersand what is IKIGAI and refine our ideas about purpose, pleasure and passion. In each session, it was great to listen to different perspectives of different teachers.
Concluding the reflection with quote of   Udayakumar D.S (Auther of Fearless and Free: How One Man Changed my Life) –“We all share the same sky. We share our sky with our close ones, and our emotional state affects them first.”

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