Community Service Group

Woah! The most pleasant season is round the corner. The chilly mornings are going to give a different sense altogether. The season delivers delectable meals, endless gratitude, and when the first winter breeze blows through the trees you can feel the magic in the air. Nevertheless, it also brings some illness if not taken care of properly. The question often occurs to me, can going from cold winter nights to bright sunny days cause harm to humans only? What about trees in such a freezing climate? From dusk to dawn, trees stand idle under the sky. Their lives are also affected as they are living creatures. In order to better serve the community, what else can be the best course of action?

Here are some glimpses of the life class’s community service project, which involved Tree Trunk Painting and adding fertilizer to the soil to replenish nutrients. Tree trunk painting is an old-time method which was adapted by us to seal trunks and protect them. Several tree trunks were painted white and red to help shield saplings and very young trees from a variety of damage like cracking, splitting of the tender new bark, which can allow introduction of disease, insects, and fungus. Furthermore, we also added fertilizer in the soil to promote healthy plant growth. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to my co-facilitator and all of the participants since this event would not have been a success without them. Many hands, different actions and one motto:

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