Onam Sadya : A 7D Food exploration group initiative
This was the first time I attended the 7D food explorers life class–and I would say it was one of the life classes which had the most LIFE in it. The way we connected with each other, the tears, the laughs, the stories, the emotions…all raw..unfiltered…deep, active, uninterrupted listening…actually putting into practice all that we have learnt in all the years of life classes at FS.
I never imagined that people could bond so strongly over food–everything food. For me, bonding over food was limited to eating together—but I realised that researching, talking, cooking and serving was an experience which made us bond more strongly than any other aspect of life.
The immersion activities for the ‘D’ day–or shall I say ‘O’ day;) were very well thought of, it actually helped us connect with our emotions in a deep and meaningful manner and we were able to give our best during the prep and service on ‘O’ day. (Get the pun ‘O’ is for Orgasmic pleasure–and Onam Sadya–the food and the experience gave Orgasmic pleasure to many–especially to me 😉
Imagine 10-12 novice cooks in the kitchen trying out new recipes for the first time- just by following Youtube videos–with no idea of the actual taste, consistency , texture or aroma–yet no shouting, no grunting, no exasperated sighs–just preparing the food with plain, pure love, smiles, hugs and embraces. It made the food what it was –‘LOVE on a Platter’–or Love on a KELA PATTA—‘Kele pe pyaar’ sounds slutty and erotic–hence we go with Love on a Kela Patta 😉
I was pleasantly surprised at how things fell into place on the day of ‘Onam Sadya’, there were many things out of place, not going according to plan, yet everything was in perfect unison–flowing like it was meant to, without hesitation, driven by love, it was love in action. I was humbled by the praises, people can be so generous with their words and actions–it made me embrace the fact–that the world revolves around love—love makes things happen–our Love for Food–made all the magic happen.
Click here to view some moments from the celebration
Mariyamm..you and your writing..
Kele pe pyaar..!!