7 habits Alpha

How my perspective has changed now after becoming a part of Life class at FS.

We come across many types of people throughout our life, and we fail to understand them from every angle which results in any kind of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Initially, when I heard about Life class, I was wondering what would it be all about?

Then the moment we sat on Day 1 and the way we all gave our introduction and the way Ice breaking was done, I was fascinated with this concept and I loved it so much.

Now talking about the Life Class:

“7 habits of Highly Effective People” This book is one of my favorite among all but earlier I was not having in depth understanding of this book and how we can implement these precious habits in our lives. With these life class sessions, I realized how these habits can be incorporated and how life could be maintained well just by following these habits.

If I talk about its implementations in my personal Life, Yes I have implemented – “Sharpen the Saw” wherein I have started brushing my conceptual skills and knowledge in terms of Academics and at the same time I have learnt how to be more Proactive rather than just being active.

I have enhanced my listening skills which has helped me a lot to understand people in a better way.

Over all the session helped me to know my collogues, team members and I realized how each one of us are equipped with so many skills and I learnt many things from them.




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