Integrity Theta

Integrity- Theta,
In this life class of integrity, I must say that I have learned so many things and I have identified my fears, what are my fears and on which level those fears are, are they on level-1,2 or 3? By the help of my peers reflection and facilitators I have come across so many new things and also how to overcome fears. I have learned that whatever the situation or at wherever you are, you just can not avoid fear. Sometimes it’s so easy to face your fear than to hide from it. I watched some short films on how to overcome the ‘fear’ of an individual. It was really helpful. I learned about what is failure and how to avoid the failure. It was really very helpful to know about my own perspectives on failure and also how can we overcome failure. We watched a very awesome movie ‘Fatherhood’ on how the actor is facing the fear and how he is overcoming his failure. It was a really helpful session to know about our own self and to saw integrity to ourself.

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