To Integrity Eta

The journey of Integrity Eta comes to an end. How I wish we could’ve had at least one session in physical setup at school. Since the beginning of the integrity session this year, we’ve learned a lot. I specifically like the idea of identifying our fears on various levels. Often people aren’t able to understand their fear and assign the tag of fear to not so serious aspects in their lives. Integrity sessions have helped me to be a good listener. The one thing probably that I like about integrity sessions as compared to the last two years is that there is a lot of sharing happening on a deeper level. This is actually beneficial to both the speaker as well as listener. Today’s task of reframing the mission statement and planning as a facilitator was also helpful. At last, we all came together to listen to each other, understand each other and provide support as well as creative solutions to our problems.

The one thing that remains is a picture with this beautiful set of people of our integrity batch whenever possible. I also thank our facilitators for making our sessions interesting and engaging. Thank you.


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