7 habits class- Alpha

The 7 habits classes journey was amazing although it was an online one. The habits directly or indirectly have impacted me in some ways. The things that I learned will definitely prove helpful to me in my professional and personal life. After the 7 habits classes, I came to understand that these things were affecting me but since I was not aware of it previously, I used to face difficulty in my life.

The facilitators were amazing and shared their insights too. They patiently listened to each one of us and empathized with us. The life classes have impacted my personal life and professional life too in terms of that I seek first to understand and then to be understood and also try to think win-win. The AHA moments for me was to present my understanding of the habits in the last life class as well.

The life classes have been an eye-opener and I have been benefitted from a few of the habits in my personal and professional life too. Thank you facilitators and thank you FS!

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