Ramblings of a ‘Life’long Learner ?

Dear Life,

It’s not like I don’t know about you but I have also taken you for granted umpteen times. If I carefully think about you and recall about how I treated you, I would curse myself a lot. Though there have been times I’ve been gentle with you and tried to understand you, I’ve also been eluded by you or eluded myself voluntarily to not care for you.

I don’t know if you can be taught in classes but the last few months have made me more human in terms of revisiting the nooks and corners that I missed on owing to my own indifference. I am still learning how to be a better learner but reflecting on our strengths and weaknesses, probing into our paradigms, investing in and withdrawing from our EBAs , prioritising what should come first, consciously thinking about the 7 habits and putting things together bit by bit was possible because of the life classes we had.

I hope that I would be able to do more justice to you my dear friend. In case I falter, please bear with me.


– Kaushik Chandra

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