Reflection of missed life class on the 8th of February 2020.

I was not able to attend the Life class because of my drama show in Bombay.

I am in the 7 habit life class, and the topic of the class was the 7th habit “Sharpen the saw”.

  1. First, everyone did Yoga after arriving at the school.
  2. After breakfast, everybody did the dance activity and then continued with the discussion left on the previous day, and it was to make a team of 5 people from your group or the class and it was the activity of 6th habit “synergize”, after that everyone had some conversation on the same and then reflected on their learning of the activities which they have done in the morning (Yoga and Dance activity)
  3. Sharpen the saw means to have balance in the four areas of life, like 1) Physical, 2) Social / Emotional, 3) Mental, 4) Spiritual. 
  4. All these four activities can help you to handle almost everything in life, Sharpen the saw can help you to be “YOU”. In this habit, we can say that everything that makes you happy you should do that activity to keep yourself happy and relaxed. 
  5. At the last, the facilitators asked everyone to bring a glass bottle and on that glass bottle, everyone has to do quilling activity to decorate the glass bottle as they like.
  6. If one is properly doing the “Sharpen the saw” then that person can do other 6 habits very easily because he\she is doing what he\she loves to do what makes them happy, so they can give their 100% in their job or other work.
  7. In the last facilitators asked to play a Kahoot game individually to everyone.

If I would say that listening to music and watching and doing Dramas make me happy and if that is making me happy I should do those things to make the balance in my personal life and as well as in professional life. 


Thank you.

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