Integrity: Understanding the Wholeness…….

One of the literary meanings of Integrity is Wholeness. One can achieve this stage in life if he/she Powers upon his/her fears. This is possible if one is honest to his/her self first. An individual needs to  introspect him/herself and at the same time have faith and trust on oneself, this is exactly what the Integrity class, the sharing by participants and facilitators embedded into me. I am more of my own self than I was before with more open and easy to convey my thoughts without any inhibitions about anything that directly tends to create a sense of fear into me. At the same time, with Love and 7 Habits completed I am also open to attend to perspectives of others which allows for mine as well as the other person’s spiritual growth.

As a whole, if I share about my batchmates it was great to have people with matching thoughts and matching level of convictions along,  making the sharing more interesting and a worthy learning experience during the entire journey from 7 Habits to Love to Integrity. 

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