
Relinquish everything else and all ideas of righteousness, surrender unto me exclusively. I will deliver you from all sins, do not despair. -Krishna to Arjun on the battle field of Mahabharata.
The above lines can be applied to several contexts, but for me it is something which connects to my understanding of integrity. Thoughts and actions of a person are mostly influenced by the knowledge and values they hold for a certain thing. This knowledge and values are seasoned over time and mostly under set circumstances. Consciously or unconsciously our minds are conditioned to think in a certain way and make decisions which we think are morally correct. But what are these morals? How do we define integrity or righteousness? Can righteousness and human instincts be contradictory? If all humans carry out their part of integrity, would then the world be a better place? Sometimes I think, are my decisions and actions boasting my ego of being the righteous person or is there any higher purpose and value involved, which I feel is more important than me being morally correct. After a certain level of consciousness and connectivity with the supreme, the human instincts surpasses all concepts and ideas of righteousness. So should we drop all ideas of righteousness, moral values or something we believed since ages? No not certainly…but living a life for oneself and living a life for the higher purpose is all what makes the difference!

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