Love?? A feeling or an expression???? – Love class Zeta

It was a wonderful experience to be a part of Love classes. What I have learned is love is everything but “fictional” things shown in movies and series. Love is not only about your significant ones, but it is also about yourself as well.

As rightly said by Scott Peck, “Love is the free exercise of choice. Two people love each other only when they are quite capable of living without each other but choose to live with each other.” Until you love yourself first and make yourself independent emotionally, spiritually and financially, you cannot give love to someone else. Love is when you grow spiritually with each other. When you uplift each other to make a better person. Love is all about forgiveness. Forgiving people for their mistakes and satiating yourself is the self love.

It is said that marriages are made in heaven. However, it’s untrue as you have to go through hell and come back to make a successful marriage. Marriage is not only about loving each other, but it is also about knowing the flaws of your partner and still choosing not to give up on them. Marriage will have different phases where you will fall in love with your partner and feel all gooey, but it will also have phases when you will come across the annoying and clingy things of your partner. It is going to be one hell of a ride, but yes if you stand beside your partner always, you will enjoy the ride.

Parenting was also one of the aspects we focused on. Parenting is not about teaching your child to do what you feel but making them understand to do the right things. Parenting is a life long process and you’re a life long learner. Parenting comes from within the moment you hold your newborn in hands and it keeps on going on till the time when your child learns to hold your hand when he comes of age.

Overall, love classes was a serene experience and thanks a ton to Jay Sir and Nikita ma’am for facilitating us so well and made us understand what is love!

Keep loving! Keep growing! 🙂

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