My journey for working on myself started on 29th May 2018, through my journey at FS which started on 5th Feb 2018. Within the span of three months, all I heard were the stories of the upcoming life class that I had to be part of. All I knew was that 9 days where you will be taught about “7 habits of highly effective people” Inspired by Stephen Covey.

I never knew that “Being Yourself” is okay. NO need to impress or make everyone Happy. I overcame my paradigm of not being forgiven for my mistake by forgiving myself first. The sessions were designed to have a combination of activities leading to the discussion which help us relate to each habit and how one can inculcate habits in their life to change oneself and be a Better version of oneself by each passing day.

The session helped me with overcoming my paradigms, fear, vulnerability and kinds of negativity I had in me, and filled it will Happiness Shifts, Respecting Perspective, Synergize to have Fun learning, Love yourself to be Loved, Empathize, Thinking Critically and Creatively, Forgiving oneself and others. Talking on my professional front, I learned the skills to Manage my work (Time and Self), Learned Synergizing with my team members to achieve the desired goal and Being Dedicated towards my work. Overall it helped me grow professionally as well as Personally.


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