Lajja_Shah_Life Class_7 habits_2018-19

I am very thankful to school for conducting this kind of Classes from which we can do journey of our own life consciously. I can say that from this journey I learn 7 habits in a way of personal and professional life. Applying these habits will help me in various aspects of life.

The journey of These life class was very interesting and I can say creative also. The facilitators are very creative to designed this life class sessions very practical and interactive. Facilitators used such kind of examples which is already there in contemporary life so that we can easily connect it with our life’s journey.

During this life class I tried to change some things which is there in my life and from that I can make myself more mature and strong. I am trying to work upon some of my paradigms and make myself more positive. I knew that I am sensitive and I am a person who stuck too much with some things and hurt myself most because of that. But I didn’t find that how should I workout to resolve this. From these sessions of 7 habits, now I am working upon it and trying to resolve this things with the more positive energy. And yes, definitely I can say that I learnt “Let it be” from some sessions. And that “ Let it be” helps me a lot to workout with some situations.   

Overall, this life class helps me to know about what is important, what I should do first etc.. in my personal and professional life. This life class helps me to move in my life from dependence to independence, to focus on teamwork (which is there in professional as well as personal life), better Communication, better routines etc..

I am now waiting for the next life classes with the creative facilitators which can introduce me to new things in my life with the new experience.   

Thank you.

  • Lajja Shah


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