Life Class

My journey in “Life Class” was full of learnings. I am thankful to Fountainhead school and my facilitators to helped me assimilate the 7 habits of highly effective people. We know that the negative habits are hard to give up and the good habits are hard to catch up, but the learning-friendly atmosphere of life class helped me to imbibe the 7 habits. This also helped me to discover myself. I tried to apply many of the habits in my routine. The learning has positively affected my personal as well as professional life. My work is way easier now because of habits like Be Proactive, Begin with End in Mind and Put First Things First. I exactly know when to do what because of these habits. Habits like Think Win – Win and Seek First to Understand, Then To Be Understood have helped me to collaborate and jell up well while working with colleagues. I enjoyed my life classes thoroughly and will cherish the learning throughout life.

Bharat Suhagiya

MYP, Integrated Humanities.

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