Showing integrity to oneself….
Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
The AHA moment for me would be discovering the actual meaning of integrity and how thin a line exists between honesty and integrity, which often confuses us.
This session made me come to face with many of my base fears and some unexplainable too. How strangely are they connected to each one and our behavior is astonishing. Integrity class and the members especially were a great support for me to able to face my fear and more importantly able to share and talk about them.
We usually are under the impression of it’s our life that’s quite difficult and how unfair it is to us. Listening to everyone’s sharing was truly an eye-opener and building up of strength to actually face our fears and making efforts to try overcoming them, doesn’t matter for it to be just a fraction of improvement.
Looking forward and much positive about the upcoming integrity classes. 🙂