Spread LOVE…

” Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only LIGHT can do that. Hate cannot drive out that, Only LOVE can do that”. – MARTIN LUTHER
If a relationship have understanding, care, kindness and respect for each other, then we say, Love exists. It is all about your happiness and dreams including others happiness and dreams. It is about giving freedom rather than holding on to each other that affects the dreams, goals or success of other partner.

Let go and let forgiveness lead the way forward in LOVE.

Without self-love, you can never truly give love to or receive love from another person.

Don’t let go of your dreams! A strong relationship in LOVE lets you be who you want to be. In a solid, secure relationship, partners support and nurture one another in pursuing their goals and dreams. Being in LOVE doesn’t mean that you need to abandon your dreams! It means to pursue your dream with stronger determination and support.

Love is nurturing yourself and others for enrichment  and progress. It is growing spiritually together.

A wonderful journey of Love classes ends here with a better understanding of what is LOVE and what is being in LOVE.

Thanks and Regards,

Ankita Nandwani.

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