Love “Redefined”

My journey with the classes I attended so far has been an amazing one, & love class has added an extra feather to the cap. Love is that one word that holds number of different meanings to every individual & it was no different for me as well. But I must say, this class just happened at the “Right time” & shed away so many confusions or ambiguity that I had but never shared. It has proved to be a blessing in disguise, & especially the discussions that we has in the classes make us realize that we all go thru the same stuff at different points of our life, & how each one of us have different perception of the same situations!! which is so incredible. For me the take away from this class is: LOVE IS AN ACT OF WILL & LOVE IS AN ACTION!! It is an effort that one needs to make everyday, a promise to be kept forever to keep going. I sincerely thank my facilitators & enthusiastic participants to help me get clarity & add better meaning to my life! Keep going, Keep growing @Love class! Manisha ma”am, Roshan ma”am, Priti ma”am- you 3 rock thank you for the never ending support!!



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