Fruitful Session

I am very happy to be a part of such class – 7 Habits, in which I have got to learn many new things as well as got to experience everyone’s sharing, ideas, challenges that they faces in their life. After this fruitful session I am now confident to face any challenges or up’s and down’s if it arises in my life, I will stand strongly and overcome it. It made me understand about the paradigms which we carry with us all through the life and its impact on our lives and many more lessons,such as to understand and respect others perspectives, sharing time with beloved, knowing the responsibilities and prioritizing them, Situation of win-win/ win-lose, lose-win, adding into emotional bank account and so on.I am very thankful to both the facilitators Ravindra sir and Shraddha ma’am for motivating us, engaging us to share and guiding us to make a choice to apply these habits in our day to day life.



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