7 Habits – Gratitude for Life Class

Finally we have finished life classes now. Happy because 9 days were full of fun, great learning experience, better understanding of different perspectives of different minds. Regardless of the fact that we are now moving forward with higher grades and new learning experience, still I feel to learn more in depth the habits which I have been through. I feel the 9 days spent over are even less for more and wide understanding of the book. Also sad because the same facilitators are not going to conduct love class 🙁

Well, apart from what I feel, I have a great learning experience of 7 habits, which somewhere or the other by its own implies in my life. One of the best habit which I like a lot and on which I always repeat to read is “Be proactive”. It not only helped me intellectually to become aware of choosing my stimulus and respond accordingly, but also helped me emotionally when circumstances arises around. Situations may come and go, whether it is bad or good, but you do get a freedom to choose your response for the stimulus you get from the experience of outside world. Another thing which I liked a lot is to “Be”, it helped to improve my work(any work I do) efficiency as from now “I don’t have to do it” but instead “I prefer to do it”. And that is why now what I prefer, I do it 100% anyway :). and the best part is, differentiating my circle of influence and circle of concern around. I remember I listed out all my circle of influence and concern in my diary and put my efforts to imply upon, well, implication here is bit difficult, but, that is what habit as to be which will last long inside us.


Another thing which influenced me a lot was prioritizing my work. What is important, what is not, what is urgent what is not, how to differentiate them and make a priority chart. I even shared to my facilitators that though I knew about this 4 blocks of priority, but never implied upon it. When we gone through the session, the very next day I did was making that same chart on Photoshop and get a print on A3 size paper and stick on my desk. I started sticking my notes on it based on prioritize and it was way very helpful. I took a snapshot and shared to my facilitators and just told them that its very awesome to imply such thing! Again repeating, end result may not be that different like, even after prioritizing work, I might have ended up working after deadline. But that is fine I guess, it surely works more effectively. 🙂


Very grateful for the life class by fountainhead, and happy and grateful for most amazing Facilitators Ravi sir and Shraddha ma’am 🙂

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