Reflection – Love Class

At the outset, I would like to thank our facilitators Nandini ma’am and Priyanka ma’am for their efforts and patience. They both have been really kind and warm to us which actually helped us to open up and share without hesitation. I also want to thank the school and the management for conducting such trainings where an individual gets a platform to grow professionally as well as personally.

The best part, of these platforms,is that you are encouraged to share and be yourself. You are not judged but respected.

As for the sessions, I attended I got to know various perspectives of love. Like others even I have a thought process. But my experience of love in life is different. Love just comes, it is a feeling. You cannot categorize, plan or decide when to love, whom to love or how to love.

So for now I will go with my way of love as I do not really agree with Scott Peck on his perspective towards love. But I am open to more learning,more sharing and exploring.

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