Love class.. A journey of sharing and learning!!

We all play a number of roles in our lives… have different relationships with different people. Life is  no less than a roller coaster ride, full of different emotions and feelings which are exciting, thrilling, enchanting. We already have gone through different experiences which has made us what we are today. Sharing all that here and learning and building on to that has enriched us as individuals. I have learned from all the experiences shared during the class and examples discussed. It has given me an insight on my life and understanding. I have learned to forgive, to let go all illegitimate pains of life which is not helping me to grow.

I am going to take back all the learning which is going to help me on every stage of life be it a mother, a wife, sister, daughter in law… I would thank the facilitators (Shehla Ma’am and Ravindra Sir) for helping throughout this journey.

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