Love Class 2016-17 “It’s Dear Zindagi”

Hi Friends, 

This year being a facilitator for Love class was an enriching experience and I felt it was more of learning and sharing. This opportunity once again gave me a platform to share my experiences with my colleagues.
To begin with. the first statement of the book ( The road less traveled- Scott Peck) sums up the essence of the Love class. The statement is “Life is Difficult.” Personally, I always had this question “Why me?”
Truly speaking, accepting and understanding the essence of this statement that life is difficult is one of the greatest truth that helped me to accept the challenges I faced and become disciplined. There is no growth without suffering. Here I would like to mention this statement which has impacted me the most  -: “When we grow, it is because we are working at it, and we are working at it because we love ourselves. It is through love that we elevate ourselves – Scott Peck.
Secondly, you have to actively work on solving your own problems else they will always remain barrier in your growth. Being disciplined is a key to solving all our problems. Self-love helps in building lasting relationships. Personally, the most important lesson I learned is “The feeling of being valuable” which forms the bedrock of self-discipline. This sense of feeling valuable is an essential component for mental health. Pure love is an extension of self rather than sacrifice for the self, helped me grow as a parent. 
To sum up, the lessons learned so far, love is about working to nurture and understand another being. It is just because of the problems, we grow mentally and spiritually.
Hasina Saifee

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