Yes, there is a solution to every problem…!!!

First of all thank you so much FS for conducting Life/Love classes that have actually changed approach towards life.

I have accepted that Life is difficult and once accepted, I could actually see the changes in my life and now I am able to handle it in an appropriate way and able to enjoy. One more thing I have learned is that every problem has a solution, I think the thing is that first, we need to understand the problem properly so that we can come up with multiple solutions/options to solve a problem. In daily life, we come up with a lot of problems and if we starting thinking of solutions for those problems then it will make our life easier. And sometimes few problems or things give us pain but I think that pain actually makes me strong and ultimately I’m growing. My approach towards problems has become more positive.

Now whenever any problem comes, the first thing I do is I make myself calm and cool, say myself that not to worry and let’s find a solution for it. This thing has actually boosted my confidence.

Thanks so much to all facilitators and participants for sharing and making me grow.. 🙂

Karan Chevli

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